If you could be anything in the world, what would you be?
I asked 35 people that same question. Each answer was completely different from the other, and each showcased a specific personality and outlook on life. Some people answered the question with a job or occupation, some with a feeling, and others, with something totally out of the ordinary.
When you’re a kid, the sky’s the limit. You are told you can be anything you want to be. As we get older, we tend to start placing limits on ourselves - especially when we dream of our life, and who we want to be. As adults, we fear that our answers can seem silly or unattainable. So, we dumb them down to something less dreamy and more realistic. But, the second we limit ourselves, we are giving into those exact insecurities we think exist.
Sit down, ask yourself if you could be anything in the world, what would you be? Be vulnerable, and honest. You are here to make a difference in this world, don’t hold yourself back.
As asked to 35 very different people - So, if you could be anything in the world, what would you be?
“A dog. They don’t do shit, and get love all the time.”
“A superhero. I could have super cool powers and be able to help people who can’t help themselves.”
“Married to you.”
“FBI agent, lmfao.”
“A rock star.”
“In love.”
“I would want to be Nathan’s wife.”
“I want to travel across the country taking Brené Brown’s work to schools and stay for weeks at a time to help them enact it and make it a part of the culture.”
“Kim Kardashian.”
“A freelance travel photographer.”
“I would be a great father if I could be anything.”
“I would be a mission worker overseas, helping people in need.”
“A lot of the things I want to be I already am. Ruggedly handsome, check.”
“I want to be a teacher that leads nature camps on Sanibel Island. Teaching littles about the ocean, fishes, and shells. I hate my job now.”
“Like someone who could take care of all the babies in the world who need extra loving and taking care of.”
“Professional rally driver.”
“An author.”
“A model.”
“A cupcake wars judge.”
“If I could be ANNNYYTTHHIINNGGG in the world I would be a big, warm bowl of queso.”
“Carrie Underwood.”
“Professional athlete.”
“I would be a surgeon rolling in the money, smart as heck.”
“100% a traveler/world blogger.”
“The $400 million lottery jackpot winner. It’s about as shallow as it gets but I know I could do so much good with the money.”
“Set for life.”
“I would be a zoologist or someone dealing with wildlife or endangered animals.”
“I turn 49 in June (yes I am that old). At this point in my life, it’s interesting to think about what I would be, could be. When you’ve lived a lot, raised kids and had the same job for 26 years, your dreams tend to get pushed to the background to make room for the here and now, day-to-day. That simple question, well, it let me dream for the entire afternoon.” – Matt
Whatever you want to be in life, to do in life, go for it. The only limits to your wildest of dreams, are put there by you.