As a senior in college, I'm pretty sure every adult or person for that matter asks me what I plan on doing after college. Like most seniors, I have some rehearsed speech that rolls off my tongue when needed. But the truth is, I really have no idea what I want to do, or what I am going to do after college.
I'm not totally unprepared for the post grad life, but I definitely don't have a set in stone plan yet. I've applied to some grad schools and applied for paid service positions, but at this point in time, I have no definitive answer. I could be in Cameroon next September as a Peace Corps Volunteer or I could be in grad school in North Carolina. Those options aren't totally different at all.
I've come to the decision that I want to serve. I want to spend my life doing work that promotes the wellbeing of others. I have some idea of what I want to do for the next 3/4 of my life. But I really have no idea how to do that. I'm getting a degree in natural science and math, but I don't want to endure med school, or residencies, or speciality school, or any of that. I don't want to spend my life researching some small mechanism in single organelle in a eukaryotic cell. I don't want measure heat capacities, or changes in enthalpy of different chemicals and isomers. But so far, this is all college has prepared me to do.
I want to provide potable water to developing nations. Or I want to teach inner city kids high school kids calculus and help them get into college. I want to teach rural communities about HIV and AIDS and help distribute medication necessary for treatment. I want to teach communities farming techniques that eliminate the need for pesticides, insecticides, and GMO's. I don't have too many dreams right? But to do those things I need a PHD, or funding and training through a volunteer program. And I have yet to hear back about acceptance into grad school or volunteer positions. So I'm in limbo: stuck somewhere between what I want and how to get it. For all I know after graduation I will have to find some job and work for a few years before I can ever go to grad school or volunteer abroad.
While this limbo existence is stressful. I encourage my fellow limbo neighbors to embrace the uncertainty. There's only a few months, 1 semester left before graduation and once that arrives so does all the responsibility of post grad life. I'm not saying to totally write off and procrastinate making plans for the post grad life, but sometimes if the decision is to search for jobs or apartments or grad schools or go out with your girl friends, go out. These days, this lifestyle, and these people are not going to be around the corner in six months.
Time is precious, perspective is essential. I've decided to view this time as a gift. This is like a six month grace period where twenty somethings can freely migrate between irresponsible student and young professional. Soon the door to irresponsible student will close and lock and young professional remains the only option. Recite your perfectly rehearsed post grad life speech to the adults and admiring kids, and be content with having absolutely knowing. When in limbo, enjoy it, because soon we all wake up.