We all have a favorite movie, and we all have a favorite Disney movie-even though some people may not be as willing to discuss their favorite Disney movie, we know it still exists. One of my most favorite movies in the world and my ultimate favorite Disney movie is "Lilo and Stitch." It’s really quite an underrated movie most of the time because you don’t even realize how amazing it is until you’re really thinking about it and can’t find anything wrong with it at all!
1. The soundtrack
The music is so upbeat and catchy, and it makes you feel so good when you’re watching this movie. You actually cannot be sad when listening to these songs, whether it's “Hawaiian Rollercoaster Ride”, or “Aloha Oe”, or the Elvis classic, “Hound Dog”, you can’t help but feel warm and tropical and happy.
2. The scenery
Even though it’s a cartoon, you still get to experience the beauty that is Hawaii, and if you ever get the chance to actually visit there, like I one day hope to, I'm sure you’ll see as many beautiful sights and oceans as they portray in the movie.
3. Accepting Lilo as she is
Everyone who’s ever seen this movie realizes that Lilo isn’t like everyone else, and she doesn’t always fit in with everyone else, and she gets into trouble because of it. She is blessed with a cute little friend who is just as much of an outcast as she is, and they make a beautiful pair. Regardless, she still is so loved and appreciated in her house, and is wiser than she seems.
4. Nani
Nani is my favorite character in the movie because she has to take on the single mother role, but isn’t even Lilo’s mother. She tries so hard to work and support her and her sister, and she makes do with all that she has, and all that she doesn’t have-and all because she truly loves and cares about her sister. She fights so hard to keep her safe (and if you don't cry when she almost loses Lilo to Bubbles, you're HEARTLESS). Also, Disney designed her to actually look like a normal girl with curves and a belly, rather than just a skinny princess. 100 points to Disney for that alone!
5. "Ohana"
“Ohana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten”. Everyone recognizes this quote from the movie and it always sticks with me. Ye,s their family may be a little broken, and yes it may be tiny, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t love in everything they do and share. It’s really beautiful if you think about it.
6. No theme of romance
Unless you count the little flirty comments and David wanting to take Nani on a date, the movie is not centered around finding romance or love. It focuses on the love of two strong sisters, trying to get by in the world.
7. Name Symbolism
Many people may not realize that their names are all symbols. Lilo means lost one, and Stitch represents him keeping (or stitching) the broken family back together. Even Nani’s name has symbolism, and it means “beautiful one”. (It’s just SO beautiful, are you crying yet?)
8. Reverse tourism
9. Stitch
Stitch is so cute and cuddly, and he reminds us of the child we all want to be. He allows himself to be taught the idea of going from bad to good, and how coming from a bad background doesn’t define who we are. He may be a little destructive, and sometimes lonely, but he holds everyone together and he makes them all realize the truth behind love.
10. “The Pudge Theorem”
I didn’t know this theory until very recently, but it blew my kind and now it's going to blow yours: Lilo is hung up on giving a fish named Pudge his peanut butter sandwich at the beginning of the movie. She says Pudge controls the weather, which makes sense that she would want to please him, as her parents died in a rainstorm. MIND. BLOWN.
So, if you don’t agree that "Lilo and Stitch" is just truly the best MOVIE EVER, you’re doing something wrong, and you should go re-evaluate your life while you binge watch the movie again.