Lil' Yachty Gets WSU Lit | The Odyssey Online
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Lil' Yachty Gets WSU Lit

The unity is back at Washington State University.

Lil' Yachty Gets WSU Lit
Victoria Chavez

Mile Parks McCollum, better known as Lil’ Yachty, blew Washington State University away with his performance on December 1, 2016. While repping WSU in a gray suit, Lil’ Yachty brought the campus together for an unforgettable night.Not only will this be a night to remember for most of the students, it was also a night that brought the students back together as one. It’s been a crazy, lamentable couple of months for Washington State University’s Greek life, which has lead to a decrease of unity, in my opinion. This concert was an opportunity for the student body to come together, and have a night enjoying an amazing performance by one of their favorite artists. Concerts at WSU are not like any other concerts I have attended. Not only do we all appreciate the performance itself, we all love where we are. Everyone at WSU loves being where they are and love attending the school. There is no mosh pit, no pushing or shoving, no disrespect. The ambiance of WSU when artists perform is unlike any other. When artists like Lil’ Yachty come on stage, being the same age as half the people in the audience, wearing Cougar gear, it only exemplifies how amazing life is when attending a school like Washington State University. This is one of the reasons why, according to the Huffington Post, Washington State University was ranked one of the top 20 colleges with the happiest students in 2016.

Washington State Cougars have high spirits and love coming together as one. I had the opportunity to cover the Lil’ Yachty concert and experience how the audience reacts to music artists first hand. It was quite amazing to witness everyone coming together after what has seemed like months of anguish on this campus. Two students attending Washington State University also has the opportunity to open up for Lil’ Yachty, which exemplified their talents. It's amazing that they have such great opportunities because of their skill and the college that they attend.

It was the first night in a long time that I have seen over a thousand smiles in one room. It was the first night in a long time that I have seen strangers get together and enjoy their night. It was the first night in a long time that I have done something other than homework on a Thursday night (and I think most students can agree). This was quite an amazing performance from quite an amazing artist. Not only was the concert unforgettable; I pride Lil’ Yachty on his ability to bring together a community the way he did.

Covering this event was an incredible opportunity and one I am very honored to write about. It gave me hope for our student body to be united again, and it was a breath of fresh air having a night that didn’t consist of homework for once.

Again, it was remarkable to experience a wholeness feeling again within our university, and I hope that this feeling lives on for the rest of the semester while we get through dead week and finals. It was an exceptional way to end the semester, and it makes me look forward to the spring of 2017.


"Lil' Yachty Gets WSU Lit" by Victoria Chavez

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