Hey you.
Yeah you with the panicky look, head down, walking too fast.
Look up at the sky.
Breathe in for 3 seconds. Hold it. Breathe out for 3 seconds. Now do that 4 more times.
How do you feel now? Dizzy? Well then you overdid it, you dummy.
That thing that you’re thinking about?
It’s gonna be okay.
Oh, and that other thing?
It’s not your fault.
You don’t believe me?
Well of course not.
Just remember it for later.
Later might come when you’re in the middle of focusing on that assignment.
Or when you’re laying in bed at night.
When you suddenly realize the cumulonimbus that’s been hanging over you is missing.
What is that feeling? Peace. Calm.
The absence of pain, of fear, of doubt, of shame.
Your body’s got pain receptors, but I’ve never heard of any “I’m okay” receptors.
So you might not notice these times as much.
But here you are.
Where’d the weight go?
You take a breath and the elephant isn’t sitting on your chest.
How long until it comes back?
I don’t know. So soak it in.
Close your eyes.
Say a prayer that this’ll stay.
Notice how the world isn’t falling, and you feel like it’s all going to be okay.
Do some reflecting and thinking now that your head is clear.
Well… maybe not too much so the clouds don’t creep back up.
Take another deep breath.
Carry on.