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Politics and Activism

This Is What It's Like Living As A 'Snowflake' Liberal In 2020

Yes, I am liberal but I am NOT a snowflake who gets offended over everything. I am someone who believes that everyone deserves to be treated equally.

This Is What It's Like Living As A 'Snowflake' Liberal In 2020
Personal Photo taken by Marlee Bulman

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Growing up, I went to church camps and youth groups. I believed in God through Christ. As I continue to age and learn more about politics, I guess one would call me a "libtard." I am here to tell you that I am proud to be a libtard and here is why.

1. I support universal rights for all

While we are continuing to work towards equal rights for every individual, we still slack off. African Americans, especially women, are still struggling to have their voices heard. LGBTQ people still are being denied service because of their sexuality, which shouldn't even be a question. Whether a business is private or not, your religion and beliefs should not have anything to do with who you serve. You are gaining MONEY and INCOME, so why would you deny someone?

Nobody should be denied healthcare because of someone else's religious or personal beliefs. If you can't treat a gay man because your religion says that to lay with the same sex is wrong, then YOU are in the wrong profession. Just because your religion says that certain things are a sin and wrong, does NOT give you the right to deny people to adopt, shop, and live a decent life without having to deal with your hate.

Instead of shunning and saying horrible words to that Muslim family because you believe all Muslims are part of ISIS, instead sit down and actually talk to Muslims. They just want to live in peace without hate in the USA and throughout the world. Nobody is born racist or homophobic or Islamophobic. People are taught hate and fear. Learn to mind your own business and make sure you are 100 percent perfect before you judge someone else.

2. I support the poor, immigrants, women and veterans

Yes, we have an illegal immigration problem. Yes, some of those who cross bring drugs and are pedophiles and murders, however, MOST illegal immigrants just want to live in a country where they can afford to feed their children and keep them warm and clothed. They do not want to live in shantyvilles where their houses are made of scraps and their flooring is dirty. They should come here legally, yes — however, it shouldn't take up to 20 years for them to become citizens. They are not just people looking for handouts, most are just people who are willing to leave their family to go to a foreign place where they may not speak great English just to earn money so their family can survive.

Our system is messed up towards all three people: the poor, the immigrants and our veterans.

The system is designed to keep the poor poorer and the rich richer. You lost your job because of something that you can't control and now you are homeless and living on the street? Got a toothache? Wait until you have money. Have rotten teeth and infection because you couldn't get to the doctors? Go to the emergency room and pay thousands only to still have no money. While there may be homeless people who prefer to live the way they do, most want a permeant home and consist of food and warmth. Want money? Get a job. Want a job? Well, you need a permanent address. Need a permeant place to live? You need money first. Many homeless people are veterans who have risked their lives for our country. Our country requires men to register for selective service and many go willing to serve only to get nothing in return for their PTSD, anxiety, depression, and so many other problems. They risk everything only to be let down and lose everything back home.

Women, especially women of color and those who are poor, struggle because of the current war against women. Yes, this is a war. If we are going to push to ban abortion, which should not be allowed because it is not my business to decide what a woman can and cannot do, then we need to make birth control more easily accessible. Women should not be the only ones who should have to "close their legs" or "participate in abstinence." Sex is a natural and healthy thing to participate in for both sexes. Bearing a child should not be a punishment for something natural. Safe sex should be preached in schools, NOT abstinence. Hysterectomies should NOT be denied to women because "they are too young," "they might change their minds," "their husband may not want kids."

Want to stop abortions? Stop denying women hysterectomies, lower the cost of adoption, make having a child not so pricing and unaffordable, stop shaming women for having children at a young age or having to go on food stamps or WIC.

3. Healthcare is a HUMAN RIGHT

Imagine you are 8 years old living with your grandparents who are retired and barely able to take care of themselves because you have to watch your mother die from an infection that has spread to her blood all because she couldn't afford a $500 root canal and $200 for antibiotics.

Or maybe you are a college student studying because a college professor in the sciences but you got toxic shock syndrome. The hospital saved you and you are OK but you have no insurance because you live alone and can not afford it. You get the bill... it is over $42,000 so you have to drop out to pay it off.

Or your husband has just died after a cardiac arrest after his heart defibrillator failed to work because he couldn't afford to spend thousands to get new batteries...

There are too many scenarios to list. Healthcare is a human right.

4. College should not be so expensive

I do NOT support Bernie Sanders' plan to make college "free." The idea of making college "free" totally takes away the value of it. Students would take advantage of the freeness and fail classes without remorse. With that being said, as a middle-class student who dreams of being a teacher, I shouldn't have to cry myself to sleep because my dream school- where I feel at home may not be where I can go anymore. I understand paying for teachers and facilities but they should make it so more students can get more financial aid. Interest rates are beyond ridiculous. You shouldn't have to pay back more than you took out. Room and board should not be almost the same price as tuition and students shouldn't have to pay for hundreds of fees that in no way affect their education.

When someone is LEGALLY an adult, whether they were emancipated or they are 18, FAFSA should NOT consider their parents' incomes at ALL, even if they do help them because not everyone is fortunate. If someone is living on their own they shouldn't have to put their parents' incomes. They shouldn't have to put their step-parents income unless that parent has adopted them because legally if the parents get divorced they have no legal obligation to that child should why should their income count?

College shouldn't be free but nobody should have to have multiple jobs to survive and pay off their loans.

5. I CARE about the environment

Maybe the world won't end in 20 years, we do not know. What I know is that year the earth's global temperature is rising and it is indeed causing weird weather patterns and melting the glaciers and destroying life. I also believe that the world can fix itself on its own BUT we can help the world fix itself faster. We need to cut down on air pollution and look into cleaner energy sources. Banning straws is not "because people are snowflakes," it is because it is causing harm to marine life and wildlife. Banning straws is a small but giant step. It is not hard to drink without a straw, if you really need one, get a metal reusable one. Banning plastic and any nonbiodegradable material will make the earth cleaner and prevent so much pollution in our waterways. Stop throwing your trash out the window, recycle your cans, buy reusable items and reuse different things in other ways instead of throwing it away.

There is no reason as to why animals should be found with trash in their stomachs or encased in debris if we simply all learn to become environmentally friendly.

6. I do not trust the government

The government says it is here to protect us but in all honesty, sometimes it does more harm than good. I do not believe in communism, in fact, I think it is stupid. However, everyone deserves a chance to live a good life. Our society keeps the poor poorer and people refuse to help them. Sometimes that little boost of getting help for two years can be their foothold to leading an amazing future. Our government and Republicans are so set on staying the same and "not breaking tradition" without realizing that their traditions are hurting people. Our government is full of people wanting everyone to look, act and think the same. If that would be the case, the United States would look like a dystopian country. DIVERSITY in religion, race, sexuality, looks, genes, nationality, language is what makes us a good country. Land of the free means land to be who you are. Separation of church and state should not be questioned. Laws should not be created based on religions in any shape or form. Freedom of religion and freedom from religion.

Many do not know but I am pro-choice, pro-second amendment while also believe that the people should not HAVE to speak, look, dress, or act a certain way. Yes, there is freedom of speech but if your speech indicts harm or hate to anyone, just know that you will be judged one day just like everyone else you hate on.

Even if I, myself, or other people are liberal. Most of us are people who just get offended over everything. We are people who are tired of the hate and tired of the fact that people think it is OK to discriminate against someone for any reason. Most of us just want everyone to have the same rights and be treated with the same fairness as everyone else.

WE care about people and their feelings.

WE care about the future generation.

WE care about all lives.

Everyone deserves to live a good life with a roof over their head, warm food in their bellies, a healthy body and mind and to live, love, praise and worship who they want without being discriminated against. Live your life the way you want but do not tell others how to live theirs.

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