Each year it seems like there are more and more comic book movie adaptations coming out, continuing the story arcs within their respective universes. One thing I have noticed though is that producers seem to be going in every direction when making their movies nowadays. They are choosing comic book characters that normally would've never seen the big screen.
Something that I wonder with these continuous titles is: where will the end be? Comic books are endless, and the creators are always coming up with new interpretations of our favorite heroes. Marvel's Phase 3 of movies will end once their finale "The Avengers: Infinity War" Part 1 & 2 both release. This marks the end of a major story web that Marvel has worked on for years to come. What is to come after that though? Many of our beloved heroes might die and so the creators will have to work in different directions if they want to keep these main stream heroes on the big screen. After the finale, Marvel will have to either restart their universe or expand it too much to where none of it makes sense anymore. They can always start over, but then that seems like just a copy and paste and at that point what do they change? Do they use new villains?
When companies expand into different universes they must keep every other character within it or it will confuse many audiences. Going into those crazy stories then opens up a whole new universe specific to that one character and it will become difficult to continue those story arcs. And, if they decide to keep characters living on past Marvel's upcoming finale then they will need to find replacements for their current superheroes.
One big problem with having to make new movies or continuing with characters is that in the comics, age is only what the artist feels, in movies, it is what the actor actually is. Actors can get hurt or just grow too old to play their parts and new actors are needed to fill their shoes. (Though I find it to be difficult to replace actors such as Robert Downey Jr. as Ironman because he has become the staple of Ironman in everyone's mind.) Finding someone to replace that scope of an actor will take a lot of searching, but eventually it will happen again and again with countless other characters.
To me, it seems that these types of movies are coming out to fast in that there is not going to be enough material and concentration from viewers to keep up with all different interpretations. Though as long as comics are being made, movies can be made of those and I have no problem with that.
Marvel and DC both need to be careful in how they produce their films because they can stretch to far to where they will have no source material to make a coherent and flowing film(s).