1. The one who makes you love life.
This one is a special person. He or she is either a childhood friend or someone you met so recently, it doesn't even seem real. There is no in between. This person has either been in your life so long that you don't know how to live without them, or they came into your life at the perfect time. This person knows how to make you laugh so hard when you don't even want to smile. They're always so happy, and their energy just rubs off on you. You two go on the best of adventures together. Protect this person at all costs. They deserve it.
2. The one who makes you love yourself.
This one is someone you didn't even know you needed in life. Sure, you think you're an okay person, but you know you could do better with yourself. Actually, sometimes you don't even think you're an okay person. Sometimes you dislike yourself, hate yourself even. This person, once again either an old friend or a recent friend, comes in and not only tells yourself that you're loved, they show it to you. And time after time, you start to realize maybe you deserve it, and maybe you should start loving yourself too. Love this person back at all costs.
3. The one you aren't really close with but still enjoy.
Everyone in your life can't be your best friend, and you can't be everyone's best friend. Still, there's at least one person in your life that you aren't really close with anymore, or never to begin with, but somehow you would literally die for them. And somehow you know they would do the same. It's so weird, but you don't question it. You know they've always got your back, and so you make sure to always have theirs. This person makes you realize the importance of true, solid friendships. Be grateful for this person. Help them whenever you can.
4. The one who wasn't meant to stay in your life.
We all have this person. The person who we thought was going to be here forever and always, to the end of time. Maybe it was a family member, a friend, or a lover. Something happened. Maybe it was a fight. A breakup. A death. A falling out. Whatever it was, it was what you least expected. This is the person who loved you and who you loved back. You still think about this person a lot. You think of all the good times you had, and wonder "why" and "what if" every single day. This person was meant to teach you something in life. It sucks, but you're a stronger person without them, and that's what they would've wanted.
5. The one who makes you a different person.
We all have this person too, unfortunately. The one who hurts you so mad that you have to break yourself down into pieces before you can build yourself back together. This person hurt you. So much that you didn't think you could get through it. Once again, this could be a friend, family member, or lover, but it hurt all the same. This could even be the same person as #4. You are better now. Stronger. Healthier. And you got through it with the help of #1-3. Protect yourself. Love yourself. Be grateful for yourself.