I don't know about you, but I have to admit that I have asked myself many times the question, "What is the purpose of the cockroach?" Let me explain, of all the insects and bugs and pests in my life, I would have to say that the cockroach is one of the most heart-stoppingly terrifying. Just think about it, even the name cockroach has this eerie, gross sound to it. (To all my friends who like cockroaches, sorry not sorry for my distain for these creatures)
So, why do cockroaches exist? What is there purpose? I cannot tell you the number of times I've had this conversation with someone. And let me tell you, we have yet to come up with a satisfying answer. That is, until the other night. After much thought and a terrifying encounter with a cockroach, I've come to the conclusion that the purpose of the cockroach is to… … … build community! Wait what?
Yes, you read that right! I think cockroaches are here on this earth to build community. Not only are they naturally very community driven creatures, What if they foster community between us humans. What if, in our encounter with cockroaches we actually grow closer to one another? Now you’re probably thinking, "Wow Chloe, I know you're kind of all over the place, but this is just out there." But think about it! Have you ever found a cockroach in your house, your shower, your room, on the sidewalk, or anywhere within your proximity? I don’t know about you, but that is a moment I will never forget.
This crazy string of thoughts actually came from an encounter with a small cockroach in the shower my roommate and I share. We watched it for at least ten minutes and finally worked up the courage to get one of our friends to come help get rid of it. Those ten minutes were filled with all kinds of emotions and such: fear, screaming, nervousness, and more. However, most importantly, it was filled with bonding. By facing off against our common enemy, we connected in such an unforgettable way.
Now hear me out real fast. I know that in the paragraphs above I talked about how interesting cockroaches can be, and I talked about their potential role in the formation of human bonds, and I said a lot of positive things involving the cockroach. However, let me clarify, despite this revelation, I still hold an extremely strong distain for the cockroach, I am not in any way trying to say that cockroaches should be more present in our lives; rather, I am merely trying to give a worthy (and comforting almost) excuse for why we have encounters with these creatures.
So, is the purpose of the cockroach to build community? Only God knows, and honestly, if I could ask Him one question, it wouldn't be that. Maybe one day we'll know, but until then, stay strong my friends and remember, while cockroaches may survive nuclear explosions, they can't flip over if they've fallen on their backs.