Lifelong Love
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Lifelong Love

A History and reflection of wholehearted worship.

Lifelong Love
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“Until we abide in, take delight in, and move toward this kind of worshipful, awe inspiring, and all-consuming glorious vision of God, we will not understand the purpose and meaning of our lives” (Church of the Savior Worship Commission, n.d).

When it comes to the life of an individual, purpose and meaning are vital to their existence and contentment with the journey. As a follower of Jesus it is the response to devote one’s life wholly to the relationship and this extends in the spirit of worship. Worship means much more than just a few songs sung to a full capacity, its theology branches and takes over one’s life in a way that radically changes it. Worship in song is a crucial part but alongside is worship through a daily walk as well as worship through service. This grounding began in the beginning days and continues on into the current times.

Worship in Walk

In examining the theology of true worship one must consider the practical application to one’s daily life. The heart of worship lies in a relationship and abounding love for God. As C.S. Lewis puts it, “God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing” (Lewis, 1977). When one experiences this love and such radically changes their heart the natural response is to then worship not periodically but frequently out of a sincere desire to lean into the presence of the Lord. This time is not diagramed out, it can range anything from being in the word, prayer, reflection etc. but it is the motivation from the believer to simply be with God. Continuing out from this time, such heart change continues into the mannerisms and conduct of the believer. Looking back into the days of Jesus when He encountered one they were never the same. Finding two fishermen who dropped everything to follow alongside Him, the same is for the believer today. One who truly is in a worshipful spirit from the inside out commits to God and this commitment changes sinful towards holy and can be noticed as change. This process will never be perfect given humanity’s state, but one strives and that very desire is what God looks upon as worship.

Worship in Song

Worship occurs at the individual level but also reaches out to the corporate level. After the Israelites cross the red sea and witnessed a miracle of the Lord firsthand their response as scripture says was to sing a song to the Lord (Exodus 15, ESV). The voice has always been a tool used to bring glory to God, it was created by God and when such instrument reaches to God a beautiful noise resounds. This sound then brings connection to the creator and this is the spirit of worship. Songs don’t have to have a formula either. In times of joy, lament, anger, fear, songs were given to the Lord and each was accepted as heartfelt worship. As Karl Barth explains “from inner, material necessity it sings” (Heltzel, 2008). The true heart of worship in song is not a programmed great sounding concert, but instead a small or lengthy cry of the heart that simply says dad I need you.

Worship in Service

When one is rooted in daily connection with the Lord and with a soul that sings to Him earnestly the natural response is an outpour of these relational effects onto others. Worship occurs personally, corporately, but ultimately to praise God and make an impact in His kingdom around. Pastor Adam Dodd defines such by saying “The mission of God is most clearly disclosed in the mission of the Son” (Dodd, 2015). It appears that worship of Jesus to the Father was in HIs service to the world around. Jesus constantly was serving the community. He washed the feet of disciples, met people at individual levels, healed people from suffering, and ultimately saved the world from ultimate death by taking the place. His heart was devoted to service, following the will of the Father and showing compassion to those that surrounded Him. He was God yes, but this example He also calls us to in the commandment of “love God and love others” (Matthew 22:36-40). When one sacrifices their well-being for another they are worshipping. When one loves the creation God made and serves their needs they are loving and praising the Lord. This spirit is consistent and only grows stronger as deeper love for God grows.

All in all, the theology of worship is a heart desire to be close to the Lord. Such takes place in a personal daily relationship with God, at the church level with a group of believers, and to the world with a focus on service to all. It is important as a youth leader to express this to students. That worship is not formulaic, it is not short term, it is not merely for excitement and new modern hype, but instead it is the drawing near of one’s heart to their maker and a decision that each moment, each fragment of life will be connected and devoted back to loving Him. The heart of worship cannot be lost, but can be original.

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