Nobody talks about the importance of having a hometown but I feel lost since leaving mine.
Anita Baker once said, "You leave home to seek your fortune and, when you get it, you go home and share it with your family." But, what if you don't have a place to call home anymore?
About a year ago now, my family made the move from Northern Virginia to the Richmond area. When we first left, I couldn't even imagine that I would miss living in NoVa as much as I do especially because the only time I returned to my hometown was when I was on break from college. Now, however, I realize that I should have savored my time there while I could.
When people ask me where I live I no longer have a simple answer. My response is always something like "well, I am from Falls Church but I live in Fredericksburg during the school year and I live with my parents in Richmond in the summer." Gone are the days when I could simply say that I was from NOVA.
Another downside that I didn't realize until I left was the lack of belonging and roots. I don't have the same support networks that I used to. My friends that were once the core of my emotional health are long gone and my peaceful neighborhood persists miles away.
While I understand my parent's reasons for leaving, I will always consider NoVa to be my hometown. Even if it is more of a suburb than a town.
I miss you NoVa!