Remember when everything was so simple? You could go outside and hang out and not worry about who was texting you or calling you. You didn't have to tell someone to "hold on" constantly to answer a text message or finishing reading the article you were in the middle of on Facebook.
Cell phones are a peculiar thing. They really help my life and they destroy the view of the millennial generation at the same time. We all sit around on our phones when we have nothing to say, instead of talking to the person right next to us we would rather just look on Facebook and catch up on the weekly drama or stalk someone on Instagram that you found and have never met. It is interesting, though, because our parents look at us, and say, "When I was your age..." but who bought me my first cell phone? OK. It sounds crazy when people say, "I don't know where I would be without my phone." But seriously, I couldn't imagine my life without it. Not due to the social networks, but because it is my planner, my maps, my form of communication. I would probably have driven to the middle of nowhere and off a cliff without it because I am terrible at directions, and I don't have a map. I would have missed so many scheduled appointments, meetings and dates because I constantly forget what I am supposed to be doing on certain days. It is so interesting that at one point people did not have cell phones. Because our generation wonders how they survived.
Some of the things we used to do without cell phones I truly miss, though; like having to get out of the car, walk to the front door and tell them you were here. Instead of sitting in the driveway or the street and text, "Here, come out." I miss the fact that I didn't have something to worry about losing at all times. God forbid I lost my cell phone and was at a concert or somewhere with a lot of people and lost my friends; how would I find them? It isn't just about losing your phone, it's about having to pay the cost to get another one which is a pretty penny. I miss the fact that I did not have to answer to someone at all times. If someone texts you and you ignore them, then it looks bad. But back without cell phones your parents could answer the house phone and say, "No she / he is not here right now," with no questions asked. Oh, that was the life.
As much as we hate them, our cell phones are a piece of us. Next thing you know, they'll come out with one that goes into your skin, and you can hear it all the time so you never miss a call and you never lose it. I honestly hate to say it, but I don't know where I would be without my cell phone.