So it's officially been four and a half months since Sir Charles came into my life.
I haven't been able to spend a lot of quality time with him since I've been at college but my family has kept me updated.
I've been asked many times at school what a hedgehog eats and in case you were wondering, they eat dry cat food. He also gets so so excite when you give him one of those crinkle cat ball toys. Those are his absolute favorite.
Every time I come home I take the opportunity to have a mini photo shoot with him. How can you not? He's so adorable!
Hedgehogs are nocturnal, so they're more active at night time. My mom has told me that he makes some really odd noises at night and I just heard recently heard them for the first time. He kind of sounds like a mix between a guinea pig and a hyena, but he's so cute that he makes up for it.
Charlie doesn't like when my dogs bark and he shows it by curling up into a little ball and making hissing noises. He's getting better at not letting their barks bother him but he still gets nervous sometimes. If you try and pet him while his spikes are up, be careful! He's as prickly as he looks. But despite that fact, he's absolutely the cutest little thing and I wouldn't trade him for anything except maybe like a million dollars. (just kidding Charlie!)
Thanks for reading! Sir Charles is doing really well in his new home and I'll keep you all updated (: