For the first time in more than two decades, the topic of disability rights took center stage at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) this past week. Longtime disability rights activist and colleague of Hillary Clinton, Anastasia Somoza, who is diagnosed with both cerebral palsy and spastic quadriplegia, spoke on Tuesday, July 26th. This was almost exactly 26 years after the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was first passed through Congress.
The headlines surfaced the next day, heralding Somoza as a heroine, claiming that she stole the show. Both of these are true, the speech was absolutely incredible and I believe everyone should watch it. As I dug deeper into the articles, however, I found that many of the narratives were surprised that the DNC would pull such a 'bold move' and that it was a novelty for the convention to focus that much time on the subject.
As a person with cerebral palsy, my question is, why is it a 'novelty topic?' According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 53 million Americans currently live with a disability. The most recent United States Census (taken in 2012) supported these numbers and said that approximately 1 in 5 Americans possess some type of disability. That does not sound like a novelty problem to me and it should never be treated like one. It is not a minuscule issue in the slightest! It is a public health concern and it deserves the proper attention and care. It also demands a course of action that values equal opportunity, especially regarding education, employment and public accessibility.
I have to say that it is refreshing to hear a positive narrative about living life with a disability; for the first time, center stage at the DNC, life with a disability was painted as a life worth living. That means more to me than words can ever express. There is tremendous power in a message with this perspective, especially when Hollywood tells people like me that a life with a disability is not even worth it. Furthermore, Somoza was not used as a cheap attempt at a tear-jerking, inspirational story about how she overcame incredible obstacles in her life and all of the other cliches that are so often overdone (do not get me wrong, she absolutely did, but it was not the focal point of her speech).
She spoke simply to show that people with disabilities can in fact, make something out of themselves and be a contributing member of society. Therefore, we deserve the same opportunities that are often not given to us. Somoza has known Clinton for 23 years and worked on the nominee's campaign, while previously serving as an intern on her 2000 campaign for Senate. She also graduated from Georgetown and is pursuing a Master's Degree in Human Rights at London School of Economics and Political Science, in addition to being a renowned disability rights advocate. How's that for making something out of herself? There are others like her who were never given a chance to thrive.
An article I read earlier this week said that "People with disabilities are used to feeling like a second-class minority group. In American politics, when disability is mentioned at all, it’s too often in the context of trite inspiration porn or offensive and inaccurate myths about people faking problems to unfairly access public benefits." It continued, "Rarely do disabled Americans hear meaningful discussion of the issues that impact our lives."
Too often, people with disabilities are marginalized and pushed to the side, left to feel invisible. Or, when time is actually spent discussing these issues, it is a novelty. It can no longer be that way. This mindset has to change and we as a society need to promote a message that says a life with a disability is one worth living. Disabilities need to be treated like a health concern so they can receive proper funding and consideration, not like a social issue or a hotly-debated subject that often gets ignored.
"In a country where 56 million Americans so often feel invisible, Hillary [Clinton] sees me," Somoza said in her speech last Tuesday. Regardless of one's political affiliation, disability issues must be discussed as our country continues to progress forward into the future.
Take us as we are. Not how you want us to be.