1. Always be ten minutes early to everything.
2. Pay for things in cash. You're much less likely to waste money this way.
3. Put down your phone when you're out with people.
4. Never grocery shop on an empty stomach.
5. Put away every $5 bill that comes into your possession.
6. Use sunscreen everyday, even during winter.
7. Institute a change jar.
8. Never use the internet to diagnose yourself.
9. Pack your lunch.
10. Get a planner and use it religiously.
11. Clean out your email inbox.
12. Clean our your closet twice a year, after summer and after winter.
13. Use Sunday evening to plan your week. Plan your meals, plan your outfits, etc.
14. Wake up at a set time everyday.
15. If you usually end your day binge watching your favorite TV show, try reaching for a book instead.
16. Talk to your family members at least once a week.
17. Take your vitamins.
18. Cook a new dish once a week.
19. Start donating to charity.
20. Write thank you notes.
21. Keep a glass of water by your bed. Either drink it before bed or when you wake up.
22. Don't check social media at work.
23. Write things on your to-do list and cross them off when completed. There is no better feeling.
24. Perform an act of kindness everyday.
25. Start a daily journal or devotional.
26. Clean out your car when you get gas.
27. Exercise.
28. Learn to say "no."
29. Trust your gut.
30. Put your phone on the charger in the other room at night.
31. Always take off your makeup before bed. No excuses.
32. Invest in the people who invest in you.
33. Never set any beauty appointment for the same day as an event your attending.
34. If it won't matter in 5 years, don't spend more than 5 minutes worrying about it.