As the end of the semester approaches us, and finals week is lurking around the corner, I believe it is time for us to acknowledge the struggles that we have all faced over the past few months. So let's all sit back with our third caffeinated beverage of the day, continue to put off the semester essay that's due tomorrow, and read an article reflecting our daily lives, that we stumbled across during our Facebook procrastination.
1. The anxious feeling when every adult asks you, "So what are your plans for the future?"
I plan on leaving this conversation because I have no idea what I'm doing with my life, let alone what I'm going to have for dinner tonight (probably pizza) or even when I'm going to fit in the three loads of laundry that I have to do.
2. Speaking of pizza, it becomes the affordable solution to all of your problems.
Failed a test? Pizza. Skip your class? Pizza. Pulling an all-nighter? Definitely pizza. Pizza will never break your heart and it will always be there for you to drown your sorrows in.
3. I haven't slept in weeks but I'm fine.
This is only my third energy drink and second coffee of the day guys, I'm good. I promise.
4. Never knowing if you should act excited when you run into people that you didn't talk to in high school.
"Oh my gosh!!! I haven't seen you since that time we avoided eye contact in high school!! How are you!!!"
As much as I loved high school, there are always those people that you're just not sure if you should run up to with open arms in the middle of campus.
5. Winter comes and you find yourself trekking through Antarctica to class.
It may take you ten minutes to undress in the beginning of class, only to put it all back on an hour later; but at least you will survive the voyage across campus to your next class with only a minor case of frostbite.
6. Your major changes everyday.
I'm pretty sure the registrar knows my name because I've gone from Business to Pre-Med to English within two semesters, but it's fine. It'll all click eventually. I think.
7. Coffee is running through your veins.
It's not like half of my paycheck goes to Dunkin' Donuts; and I definitely didn't get two shots of espresso in my latte. And I most certainly didn't pay for my third cup today in quarters I found at the bottom of my bag. There isn't a problem here, let's carry on.
8. "I'm just going to drop out and become a stripper" becomes your fall back plan.
Finals weeks comes around and those singles are starting to sound really good to you as you fall asleep on your tear-stained notes and try to convince yourself to keep working. But in the end we're not serious (at least not for now), don't worry mom and dad.
9. Initial reaction to anything and everything...
Well I thought I knew what I was talking about until I got 89 as my answer and everyone else got -238. And I could've sworn the textbook said the complete opposite of what the professor is saying right now. But I'll just figure it out the day before the test...or the morning of...or at least before the final...
10. The gut feeling when you realize your "binge studying" has failed you.
You wake up after a long night of studying, go to class in your pajamas without brushing your hair. Your head is pounding from exhaustion, your caffeine hasn't kicked in yet; and you sit down in front of your test only to realize that half of what you studied isn't even on the exam. This is the life.
11. After everything, you wouldn't trade it for the world.
Despite the emotional toll that our classes may have on us, college is something we love with all of our hearts, and we wouldn't trade a second of it. Not even the three loads of laundry that have stacked up, or the five papers due next week. Definitely wouldn't trade that.