Obviously when you come to college, you have a lot of learning to do when it comes to "life things" as I like to call them. I am a Sophomore, and everyday I learn a new fun fact about living on my own. From "what can go in the microwave?" to "why is my throat sore?", I have relied on my peers and a whole lot of Googling to help me adapt to this new lifestyle.
Here is just a very small number of the hundreds of fascinating things I am still figuring out everyday.
How much clothing you wear.
I could go on and on about all of the new things I have learned about laundry in college. But it seems like every time I've completed the dreadful task of lugging my hamper down to the basement, it's only a matter of time before I'm doing it again. I think twice before tossing those jeans I only wore one time into the dirty laundry.
How easy it is to blow a fuse.
We've all experienced the two blow dryers, microwave and speakers all going at the same time when preparing for a night out. And on that note, we've definitely all experienced the panic of having to call maintenance to turn the lights — and more importantly, hair straighteners — back on.
Why adults love coffee so much.
Not because it tastes good, that's for sure. I quickly realized that those Pumpkin Spice Lattes were just not going to cut it anymore. Only a dark, strong blend will get me through my 8:30 a.m. class.
How much dust we have in this world.
Seriously. There is dust everywhere. On you desk, your floor, and the worst of all...on top of the Keurig. I've also discovered the beauty of Lysol besides it's wondrous smell).
That you have been #blessed your whole life with 2-ply toilet paper.
This one is very self explanatory. However, let me just say that when you can see through your toilet paper, you know it's not Charmin Ultra Strong.
Some people complain about doing laundry or dishes, but I find it helpful to learn how to do these things. Trust me and my roommate, I am the farthest thing from a clean freak, but I do get joy out of coming home to a dust-free room, empty hamper and sparkling dishes.
There is plenty of room for mistakes because everyone around you is making the same ones. As scary as it is, we will be entering the "real world" sooner than we know. That's why college is so great, it's like being on deck for the real world.
Except in the real world — spoiler alert — you won't have a meal plan.