Whenever I visit certain Greek friends at their schools, I am in awe over their beautiful sorority houses that they get to live in. They each have charm, history, and serve such a special purpose as a meeting ground for its members. Living in a Greek house means endless time with your sisters and countless memories under the same roof.
Basically, we’re just jealous of not having the opportunity to live in a gorgeous mansion.
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For us Greeks without the house aspect, we are used to recruitment and chapter meetings in conference rooms and large spaces on campus. It's not your typical Greek experience, but whether your sorority has a house of their own or not, joining a sorority still reaps the same benefits. Just without the lavish house, house mom, and cook. I’m not sure if my school will ever have a Greek row, but if it does, it will be in the distant future, and I won’t get to enjoy it. Going to a school without Greek houses is a depravity and a blessing. Even though it makes me sad sometimes that I can’t live in a sorority house, there are many reasons to be happy with it:
1. You will never get sick of your sisters.
Sometimes when you’re living in the same quarters with the same people every day, the small things start to annoy you, even if you wish they wouldn’t. That’s just what happens! If you don’t live with your sisters, chances are you won’t be getting sick of any of their quirks.
2. Greek life is less of a commitment.
Now this is just my opinion but without a house you aren’t required to live there for a full year like many sororities require so Greek life doesn't have to take up your whole life. This leaves you with more room to be involved in other groups and activities. Also if you have to miss any sorority gathering for any reason, you won't feel as guilty not attending since you aren't under the eye of all your sisters.
3. It’s easier to have other friends outside your sorority circle.
If you’re living with just your sisters, you will always be around them (which is not a bad thing), but it just makes it less likely you will spend a lot of time with your other friends and form closer relationships with them.
4. The dues are less.
This is usually true! Because you don’t have to pay any house fees, you are less of a broke college student!
5. Chapter meetings are something to look forward to.
If your schedule is completely opposite of some of your sisters since college is crazy busy, this may be the only time each week to catch up and hang out! Chapter is fun especially when meetings are informal, fraternities serenade you, and there is plenty of candy to go around.
6. Plus, if you really want to live with your sisters, nothing is stopping you from living off-campus with them.
Why not grab sisters to live with and start your own Greek house! This can be equally as fun and rewarding.
Perhaps listing out the benefits of not having a sorority house is just me trying to face my reality. But for all of you non-housed Greeks, I hope I shed some light on our predicament and created a positive outlook! I can definitely say without a doubt that sorority life is an indescribable experience no matter if you get the chance to live with your sisters or not.