Hidden in obscurity
Some things I guess just are
No matter how hard you try
Others just leave its scar
Just wipe the tears you cry
In a world that's just not Fair
Your efforts all for naught
Those nearby can't care
Their emotions all been bought.
The path was once so clear
Now only feels a dream
The only sounds you hear
Is your heart's silent scream
If for but only a short time
Our world could take a pause
The clock would surely chime
For this there is no cause
So take heart and sing aloud
That song which was your dreams
Standing tall amongst the crowd
Nothing is ever what it seems
This day so long and rough
It's over for today
the hours never enough
to do both work and play
Our lives they are so busy
barely note those passing by
so much to do it's dizzy
some days I sit and sigh
If ever we can find a friend
that brings our day a smile
our troubles n' cares seem in the end
but for only a little while
Appreciate the good things
and share them far and wide
for when you do a heart sings
Life's short, sit back... enjoy the ride.