Small towns have a completely different vibe than the big cities. Small towns exist away from the hustle tussle, traffic, honking, loud night life and towering buildings.
There are many benefits to living in a small town. In a small town, everyone knows everyone, which could either be really good or really bad. If you live in a small town you will literally run into people at the stop sign, at the grocery store or the Friday night football game, anywhere really! Sometimes its a blessing to be able to run into people randomly and catch up and have a pleasant conversation. Other times you might get caught doing something you don't want to be known, but everyone will find out.
Small towns means small town food joints. Every small town has two or three go to places to get food. Theres the local donut or coffee shop everyone goes to in the morning, and the local Mexican restaurants for lunch and dinner. Theres always the one restaurant that everyone goes to after a football game or big event that took place in town that week.
All of these basic facts aside, small towns have a unity like no other. The community tends to stick together through he good and bad. If someone is going through trouble, there will always be someone else ready to step in and help. If the whole community is going through something together, for example like a natural disaster, that whole community will put all of their problems aside and be ready to help out. The thing about small towns is that, everyone has a bond, because usually those people have been in that town for generations. Small towns are more like one huge family.
In big cities, there is no sort of unity or connection between the people. Everyone is so caught up in their own lives and everything that may be going on, there may never be time to catch up with neighbors or friends. Big cities also mean traffic. Traffic sucks no matter how you are, and in big cities it is almost inevitable. Looking at the traffic radars before leaving the house is a must.
Aside from all this, everyone has a different personality and different type of preferred atmosphere. Some people like the night life, noise and liveliness of a big city. Other people love the peace, quiet and unity of a small town. Small towns just raise people differently, if you've ever noticed people form small towns and people from big cities are very different.
There are many positives and negatives about both small towns and big cities. But in my personal opinion, I love the small towns of Texas. Its where great athletes, celebrities, and other great people derive from.
Small towns have different roots and ways that just make home feel more like home, food taste better, and the people kinder.