Recently an article was published detailing "Everything A Girl Should Know How To Do By 20" and while there are some good things on that list, I fear that a few important ones were missed and some non-essentials such as "put on liquid eyeliner" were included. Here are twenty more things everyone should know how to do by the time they turn twenty.
1. Change a flat tire
Triple A is great, but what if you don't have cell service?
2. Read a map (that isn't on a smartphone)
We're far too dependent on our devices.
3. Do an oil change
It's a great way to save a few bucks.
4. Know cardinal directions
Good luck with reading the map if you can't figure out which way is north.
5. Swim
Alright, this one is just a matter of personal safety...
6. Basic first-aid
You never know when you're going to need it.
7. Give an impromptu speech
The ability to speak with confidence at any moment is invaluable in the workplace.
8. Balance a checkbook
9. Do your own taxes
Why pay someone else to do it when there's plenty of helpful websites such as TurboTax?
10. Sew
Being able to mend a tear, reattach a button, and alter a hem can help your clothes last longer and keep more of your hard-earned money in your wallet.
11. Iron clothes
Nothing says immature like wrinkly clothes at a job interview.
12. A second language
You probably had to take one in high school or college, so keep those skills sharp.
13. Make small talk
Rather than scrolling through social media in the checkout line, have a conversation with the others around you. Each time you use the skill, it gets easier.
14. Give a good handshake
Webby to webby! And don't even think of doing "the dead fish".
15. Jump start a car
Dead batteries happen to the best of us.
16. Dance with a partner
No, I don't mean grinding, and certainly a little better than the awkward middle school slow dance. Most towns have a country, swing, or ballroom dance club that meets in a community center. Prices are usually no higher than $5 or $10 a lesson, so it's worth going to one or two at least, why not give it a try?
17. Use basic tools
Know how to use a screwdriver, a hammer, wrenches, and sandpaper. Whether it's just hanging a picture, or replacing a light fixture, the ability to do it yourself is just plain nice.
19. Tip appropriately
Do I really need to explain this one? It's a bit childish to not tip.
20. Register and vote in your area
Voting is a privilege we tend to take for granted. Exercise your right and make a difference in your community.