A recipe by Alexa Hirt
1 Happy Family
A Handful of Good Friends
Endless Education
A Heartful of Happiness
A plateful of Respect
AN Abundance of Goals
A Drop of Dreams
Spoonfuls of Love
Cups of Passion
- Start with 1 happy family. Make sure to spend time with them and to take care of them. They will be your base, the foundation you grow and learn from. 1 happy family can be all you need to brighten your day, it is the most important ingredient. It is the one thing that will hold the rest together.
- Mix in Some Education to your Family. Education is going to add onto the lessons your family will teach you at home. Your Education will be endless because throughout your time you will be constantly learning. Embrace all of it, everything you learn you will benefit from at one point.
- As you continue to mix your education in with your family, there are some more things you will add. Add A drop of dreams, and an abundance Goals. The things you learn will turn into dreams you will design for yourself and goals you will someday reach. Dream as high as you possibly can and make as many goals as you see fit. There is no dream too big or goal too unattainable. You decide your destiny.
- Pour A Handful of good friends into your bowl and mix them into the rest of the recipe. You will make many friends as you grow up. Some will come and go, some will never really be around, but some will be the good kind. And you’ll know, which ones are the good ones. They will help you when you need it, and you will always find them in your corner. Good friends are something to treasure, you will want to hold onto them forever.
- Next add a heartful of happiness to the mix. As you continue to combine your family with your friends, dreams and goals, make sure you are happy. If you are not happy than whatever it may be holding you back is not worth your time. Let your heart always guide you in the direction that is going to make you happiest.
- Spoonfuls of love and cups of passion is next on the list. Love, love, love until your heart is full and share it with the people you care about. When I say love i don’t just mean fall in love with someone and spend your life with them. That is part of it but they aren’t going to be the only person you love, you will love your family, you will love your friends just with different strains of compassion. You will also find passions that you will hold with you. These passions should drive you and help you continue to do the things you love.
- Finally add a plateful of Respect. Respect is an important virtue to have. It should be earned not given, and is something that you should try and gain from everyone you meet. It is important to be respectful to others, not only because you want the same in return, but because it is the right thing to do.
After mixing all of the ingredients together, please allow to develop for about 100 years and continue to add continuous amounts of each ingredient as you see needed.
Life is a masterpiece, how you build your life is completely up to you. These are a few things that lay the foundation for how we chose to design a life we will love. Let this ingredients inspire you with all that you do. Enjoy your life with every step you take and continue to add ingredients and spread the recipe of your life.