I hear the saying, "you only have three years left to party" almost every weekend. I also hear, "why aren't you drinking tonight?" almost every weekend too.
What is it like to be a part-time partier? Let me shed some light on what is it like to be a DD one night and end up in a bath tub with vodka in your beer can another night.
After all is said and done, it's great.
You're only hungover half the time and you only spend half the money on booze. You get to make sure your friends are safe and you get to have your fair share of good times too.
As a part-time partier myself, I found this balance of having fun but not over doing it. My family has a history of addiction on both my mom's and dad's side. Anyone who has taken an alcohol education class knows what their risk factor is for chances of becoming addicted to drugs or alcohol. Mine is pretty high.
I am a pretty self-observant person. I have noticed that I have an addictive personality. Whether it be a certain type of food, an activity or drinking, I have a hard time finding a balance between just enough and too much.
In my experiences of being a part-time partier, I am usually the one to hold the hair back from puke or I am the one to hold the phones so my best friend doesn't drunk text her ex. My responsibilities also include being a DJ, the after party trip to Taco Bell, and making sure everyone's phone is plugged in and an alarm is set so they don't miss work the next morning. It means that I get to tell the stories that my friends don't remember.
It means that when it's my turn to let loose, my friends make sure it is extra fun since it doesn't happen all that often. It means that when I get drunk, I get really, really drunk (to make up for the times I missed, obviously). It means a lot of free booze because 'she never drinks, this is a rare moment!.'
What it really means to be a part-time partier is that I don't need to party. There is nothing wrong with partying, and there is nothing wrong with not partying. I choose to party, and sometimes I choose not to party. Most of the time I get voted as DD anyways, but I'd rather my friends be safe than I be selfish. A part-time partier goes to parties, but doesn't always party. They have fun regardless. They also watch a lot of Netflix while waiting to pick up their friends.
It's a win-win most of the time.
Whether you are a full-time partier, a one-time partier, or a part-time partier... Be safe and thank your DD.