Well folks, it's getting to that point in the semester when it may nearly be impossible to see a light at the end.
You're flooded with papers, your pants are too tight, you're dangerously addicted to espresso and you can't remember the last time you had more than 4 hours of sleep. Sure, the weekends come around and you get a little break now and then; wrong. You want to keep a social life so you decide to still go out on a Friday or Saturday night but to no avail as the cold weather doesn't allow you to wear your favorite little rompers and skirts. Life is hard for a college kid in November but I have a couple ways to help get your house (and life) in order before the Holidays and before finals.
You got this.
1. Dedicate a Saturday afternoon and actually do your laundry.
This last week it had gotten so bad I didn't even remember that hangers were a real thing. The mountain of half worn t-shirts had become my own little step later to my bed, I thought nothing of it. But let me tell you- fresh laundry, fresh start. Having clean underwear is the foundation of any successful man or woman.
2. Keep a calendar.
Okay so maybe you're thinking, "what the heck, no, I don't want to keep a calendar- I'm not a mom!" But let me tell, mom or not, a calendar is the way to go for scheduling time, meetings, appointments and assignments. And when you figure out where you have free time and where your busy it will bring so much ease to have it written out on paper. Thursday 3PM: work on research paper. 5PM: find some dinner. 7PM: finish photography assignment. 9PM: hit the clubs.
3. Create a healthy meal plan.
So if you're anything like me, when you get stressed your brain instantly thinks "where are the french fries, I need like three large orders YESTERDAY come on." Or some people get stressed and claim to "lose their appetite" but like we all know they're just trying to not look fat in public. Either way, when your stressed, it is even more important to have a fabulous diet. Eat your greens, avoid fried food and sugars (because you will break out like none other), and eat your lean proteins. Your body needs the goods to keep going.
4. Take a Vitamin C supplement every freaking day.
YOU DON'T HAVE TIME TO GET SICK, OK?? Take a vitamin C tablet, or a drink mix, or just pound down 30 oranges, whatever you have to do. Keep that immune system up, when you are under stress your body can catch all sorts of freaky sick bug things and that is not cute.
5. Hold off on the romance stuff for a while.
Okay this last one is probably the hardest because we're young and dumb and have a crap ton of hormones and stuff but seriously. You don't need to be "defining the relationship" right now when you're trying to prepare for an exam that determines your entire grade. Don't be that boy/girl who let their grades slip because Becky/Kyle never responded fast enough. Literally no one cares and college is hella important; you won't even look back on who Becky was when you're a millionaire doctor. Besides right now we are working on YOU, honey, don't let a relationship become such a big part of your identity. I know it can be hard during this time of year because of all the Christmas stuff and you may be wondering "SERIOUSLY WHY THE FREAK AM I STILL SINGLE???" But convert that energy into school. Don't wonder why you're still single, wonder which planet in the solar system has the most craters and ace the crap out of that Astronomy exam, am i right??
So don't you worry, friends. Just be smart, work hard and take care of yourself and you will finish the semester strong. And then it is perfectly acceptable to go into a month long hibernation during winter break.