There are some times in life when you really have no idea what you want. Take right now, for example. As I write this, I am sitting on yet another train ride across the coast of Italy. Believe me, there is nowhere else in the world that I would rather be, but I do wish that I could just pick one type of music that I want to listen to, for gods sake. I'm sure you've had those moments; the ones where everything sounds right and at the same time nothing sounds right. Oh, and did I mention that I currently have no access to the Internet. Well it's true. It seems that all I have is my odd little iTunes library, most of which has been gutted to make room for more pictures long ago.
After much reflection on the situation, I have come to the conclusion that the only option to cure my indecision, and possibly induce a few cringeworthy moments at the same time, is to put my music on shuffle and see what happens. So strap in. It's gonna be a bumpy ride.
Song 1: Yesterday- The BeatlesStaring off strong here, if maybe a little depressing. But come on, it's The Beatles. Maybe I don't want to think about how love used to be an easy game to play, but I really can't skip a Beatles song. You can find me cry-singing across from some very confused Italians.
Song 2: Don't Forget- Demi Lovato
Okay Demi, I see you girl. I'm going to be totally honest here, I have absolutely no recollection of buying any sort of Demi Lovato music, ever. But hey, middle school was a weird time and Demi must have brought it enough for her music to stay on my phone all these years. I have never heard this song in my entire life, but it's really not that bad. In fact, I'm kind of jamming. As Queen Demi preaches as a closing whisper to this banger, "don't forget." I won't girl, I won't.
Song 3:In My Place(Live) - Coldplay
I remember this one! If my memory serves, this disc was bought at Walmart, then transferred into my library. You know, like how the cool kids do it. Let me just tell you that I have never been to a live Coldplay show. I don't even have any regular Coldplay music, like at all. Somehow though, this works.
Song 4: Come Together- The Beatles
This song is phenomenal. The mood was kind of getting down here, so I'm glad that I could trust the boys to bring it back up a little bit. Now I'm thinking about the UK and how much I want some tea. Boy, this is an emotional roller coaster.
Song 5: Flaws- Bastille
"I like that song about Pompeii, so I'm just gonna buy the whole album and never listen to it"- me, apparently
Song 6: Photosynthesis- Frank Turner
Love of my life, apple of my eye. Thank you for blessing my evening with your sweet, sweet voice, Frank. Im crying again, and also sort of doing a solidarity fist pump with myself. Honestly, all these feelings are too damn much. Humans were simply not meant to harness this shuffle technology.
Song 7: Gonna Get Caught- Demi Lovato
She's back! I have no words right now. Demi, I never forgot you, and you rewarded me in the best possible way. Thank you for that.
Song 8: Tear In my Heart- Twenty One Pilots
We are coming to the end of today's journey, and what a great way to send it off. This song reminds me of that summer that I spent scream-singing in my car every morning on my way to work. I can feel all of that repressed angst surfacing on this crowded train. The overwhelming urge to start a flash mob develops. I repress it. We're all just sheep.
As the train pulls closer to the station, I pull out my headphones and look dramatically off into the distance. I'm a little bit different as a person now, a little bit stronger. I made it through the shuffle journey, and you did too. Thank you for sticking with me, to Demi and beyond.