It’s graduation season. Over the past few weeks, my Instagram feed has been flooded with pictures of people graduating. People graduating from college. People graduating from high school.
I attended my cousin's high school graduation, my sister’s 8th-grade graduation and my sister’s 6th-grade graduation.
It’s crazy because a year ago I was graduating from high school. Five years ago, I was graduating from 8th grade and seven years ago I was graduating from 6th grade.
It’s crazy because this all seems like it was just yesterday.
I remember when I was in 5th-grade and I was watching the 6th-grade graduation ceremony. I thought, “wow, they all really have their lives together.” That was going to be me in a year. And when that year came I thought, I had my life together and I thought I had the world figured out. Boy, was I wrong.
Little did I know, I was still so young. There was still so much for me to learn and so many experiences to experience.
8th-grade graduation came around and I thought the same thing. The only difference was, my classmates and I sat around a campfire, crying. I don’t know, we thought our life was ending or something, but, it was really just beginning.
And maybe we believed we did, but we still definitely didn’t have the world figured out.
Finally, I graduated high school. I think all along, I thought this was the point where I was really going to be on top of the world. I was going to have everything figured out. Boy, was I wrong.
I graduated a year ago, and there’s no way I could have guessed on that day that this is where I am now.
I don’t even know what’s going to happen tomorrow, so I think it’s pretty crazy to think that at one point, I thought I knew exactly what my life was going to be and where it was going to take me.
So no, I cannot tell you what my life is going to be like a year from now.
And, I know when I graduate college my life isn’t going to be perfectly figured out. That’s OK. And, that’s kind of the whole point of life. Life is going to throw you in directions you never thought you would be thrown. Life is not pretty all of the time. You’re going to have to learn how to roll with the punches.
Live every day in the present. Stop wishing for that one day when it’s all going to be figured out, when it’s all going to be perfect because that day isn’t going to come. But, maybe with each passing day, you’ll slowly figure this whole life thing out.