Life without Netflix is easily unfathomable for kids my age but somehow I manage to do it. Don't get me wrong, I love TV shows but to me there's something more intriguing to watching them in real time.
I haven't always been sans Netflix. For several months this past fall I was on an account with one of my friends. I generally watched some episodes of Supernatural, which is a sci-fi drama I would highly recommend to anyone trying to get into a long series with 45 minute episodes. I also found that many of the classic 80's movies beloved by multiple generations to be some of my most watched content.
However, after a slight kerfuffle with my friend I was dislodged from the account. Being that at my house I only have 6 local TV channels this was a slightly traumatic event. It just took some time to re-adjust to life without Netflix.
As my philosophy professor would say, "digital maximalism" is not good for everyone, meaning that it is not good nor healthy to be engrossed in technology 24/7. I personally believe that Netflix and other streaming services, such as Amazon Prime and Hula also contribute to this problem. It is a good thing to have many movies and shows at your fingertips, but it think too often we forget about personal relationships and face to face conversations due to technology.I guess what I'm trying to say is that too much of a good thing may indeed be a bad thing, especially when it can get in the way of how we interact and treat one another.
If you love Netflix that is completely fine, I personally just don't like to let technology get in the way of my personal realtionships.