I believe in many matters. Kindness is important and so is saying please and thank you. Perform good deeds, even when there is no one nearby to show you praise. I believe that an individual is not rich until they have something money cannot buy; Quality over quantity.
Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate. It can be more than easy to be caught up in the pool of negative in our world. Some may feel as if it is just simpler to go with the flow. Only dead fish go with the flow. Fight the negativity with your strength and positive vibes. We all have a fighter in us.
I know, easier said than done. However, it is crucial to live a life you are comfortable waking up to in the morning and sleeping on at night.
Time is precious. You cannot replace time. The most has to be made out of the time that is now; there will never be another now. With that in mind, try not waste your time on unimportant worries and stress.
Integrity is important. Work in silence, let success be the noise.
I, personally, want to believe in happy endings. But I can’t help but question if anything truly ends.
I want everyone to smile, have a reason to smile, be a reason to smile. Happiness is contagious; you can’t deny that. I feel like I try to make life lighter and happier for as many people as I can. I know too well what it’s like to live a life the opposite of that and I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.
Everybody deserves someone who makes them look forward to tomorrow. Or even the next hour.
There are three hundred and sixty-five days in a single trip around the sun. Celebrate that. Please don’t rush life away. While sometimes we find ourselves stuck in a state of hurrying, just breathe. Slow down, look to the sky. Life is so much bigger, so much more. Occasionally I find myself waiting all week for Friday or all year for summer. But why? I don’t want to spend my days waiting for something that I am not even sure will fulfill my expectations. Instead, just find small reasons to celebrate each day.
I believe good things come to those who work hard. Never put less than one hundred and ten percent into your tasks. What is the point of doing something if you aren’t going to give it your all? There isn’t one.
I believe it is important for people to know what they stand for. I would not want to go through life as a product of someone else’s thoughts. I want to be my own person. I want you to be your own person. We are ourselves forever. I write these words in hopes of sparking a fire in your mind to create your own outlook or develop the one you have. Just think about what life means to you.