“Life is painful and messed up. It gets complicated at the worst of times, and sometimes you have no idea where to go or what to do. Lots of times people just let themselves get lost, dropping into a wide open, huge abyss. But that's why we have to keep trying. We have to push through all that hurts us, work past all our memories that are haunting us. Sometimes the things that hurt us are the things that make us strongest. A life without experience, in my opinion, is no life at all. And that's why I tell everyone that, even when it hurts, never stop yourself from living.”
-Alysha Speer
Everyone’s life gets complicated at one point or another. While some people know nothing but a complicated life, there are others who live a stress-free life but suddenly fall into a depth of complications and stress. But that’s the thing- life isn’t always a joyride, and sometimes it gets complicated at the most inconvenient times. But this is when the best thing to do is push through the pain and suffering of whatever you may be going through, and there’s no doubt you’ll come out on top.
Everyone’s definition of a ‘bad day’ or ‘bad experience’ or a ‘bad life’ is different. What one person views as bad or difficult, another may view as a walk through the park. You never know what someone is going through, and you shouldn’t try to make someone feel better by telling them you have it worse. A bad day is a bad day, no matter what is causing it. Instead of trying to comfort someone with the negatives in your life, remind them of the positives in theirs. Let the good outweigh the bad.
When we’re having a bad day, we often focus on all the bad things that have occurred. But why not push the bad things aside, and focus on the good? Think about things that make you happy, go for that third slice of pizza, or play your favorite song. There’s good in everything, if you’re willing to look hard enough.
I know, life tends to get complicated. We face obstacles every day, but overcoming these obstacles only make us stronger. Sure you may have failed a test, but now you know what you need to study more of. You may have gotten into a fight with your best friend, but you can use your difference of opinion to talk things over and make your friendship even stronger. You may have had your heart broken, or broken someone else’s, but now you know what you want or don’t want in a relationship.
Being let down, deceived, or hurt is probably one of the most difficult things to overcome. We’ve all been there, or are bound to be in a position where we wish things had played out differently. A situation may confuse you or make you feel as if you have lost your way, but use this as guidance to get to where you want to be- happy and content. Sometimes you have to look at a heartrending situation from an outsider’s point of view- if your friend was dealing with the same situation, would you want them to be moping around because of it? Or would you want them to use it as a learning experience and focus on the good that came out of it instead? I’m going to go with the second one.
Don’t stop living your life to the fullest just because something didn’t go your way, or because you’re feeling lost. Being lost is part of finding yourself, and helping you realize what path you should be on. There may be memories haunting you from your past that you wish you could grasp and revisit, but let them stay in the past. It’s time to create new, happier memories. If you’re feeling lost at this very moment, and you’re not sure what your next step should be, don’t worry. Take your time, because you will get to where you’re supposed to be in no time. Yeah life can be painful and messed up, but it’s the carefree, beautiful and life-changing experiences that make life worth living.