Many times, I’ve been asked what it is like commuting to Marshall Universities main campus. Although the number of commuters is growing each year, the stigma behind commuting still stands. Questions are posed about how you could possibly live at home and people wonder why you’d ever make that choice for yourself. There is no simple answer to either of those questions, but there is a collective bunch of reason that justifies my decisions, along with many other commuters. Below you’ll find what is great about commuting, what is not so great about commuting, and things commuters are tired of hearing...
The Great Part:
1. Sleeping In Your Own Bed
One of the best things about commuting is knowing you get to come home to your cozy, warm bed. Having space, and not being confined to a twin mattress is a huge blessing.
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2. Privacy
Showering? Bathroom break? Complete privacy always. Say goodbye to community showers and dorm room bathrooms and hello to privacy and comfort.
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3. Peace & Quiet
You never have to worry about the crazy dude down the hall who screams at his XBOX in the late night into the early morning or the girl who is crying in the lounge because Chad from *insert fraternity of your choice* dumped her. Living at home offers a unique atmosphere that you can control.
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4. Saving Money
Not only are you saving $10,000+ a year not living in a dorm or a nearby apartment, but you’re saving money on overpriced meal plans too. If you plan on going to graduate school, or moving across the country once you finish your bachelors degree, commuting is a great and wise option.
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5. Home Cooked Meals
That dreaded freshman fifteen that everyone inevitably gains? That doesn’t exist when you’re commuting to class. Why? Because you get home cooked meals rather than the processed, sodium filled yuck that you’re served in the dining hall.
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The Not-So Great Part:
1. Waking Up Early
You don’t get the pleasure of rolling out of bed ten minutes till class and being on time. You have to calculate your get ready time, drive time, and possible traffic time every single day, and trust me when I say that each day brings its own surprise.
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2. Rain & Snow
These two things can make or a break your commute. Whether the water is high or the roads are icy, the odds you’re going to have to slow down are high.
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3. Canceled Classes
Everyone loves when their classes canceled... just not when you’re already half way to Huntington and have to turn around and go home.
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4. Traffic
Interstate traffic is guaranteed on your early morning commute, but finding great apps like Waze that tell you exactly where the wrecks are while offering alternative routes is a true game changer.
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5. Parking
Commuter parking lots need to be larger. Period. There is just no way that everyone can find a parking spot everyday when if you get to school ten minutes early there still might not be one. It’s like the Hunger Games out there...
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“That must suck to live so far from campus!”
“Don’t your parents annoy you?”
“Saving money isn’t worth it, just go and have fun.”
“It must be so hard to be involved on campus.”
“Don’t you want the college experience?”
All these things have been said to me, and my response is always the same. How does me commuting affect you? That's right, it doesn't. There are worse things than a forty minute commute, SAVING money, and not getting the average "college experience". Not to mention, I'm more involved on campus than majority of my friends who live there - but that's not the point. The point is, you get out what you put in no matter where you're at or what you're doing in life and those of us who commute to College need to stick together. We got this!