"Life is all about loving one another and pursuing happiness."
"If you love life and pursue happiness then..."
"Pursue happiness and love the life you live."
"Pursuing happiness is the answer to loving life."
"Live your life in love and pursue happiness always."
What do these words even mean?
Life, love, pursuing happiness... what is that even all about? And better yet, how?
Well... here's the thing, I don't have the answers. I don't believe anyone does, really.
But let's break this down a bit.
I am alive. You are alive (hopefully, 'cause you're reading this). We are living. Wow! Isn't that amazing? And yet, this simple fact is taken for granted so often.
We've been given a chance at living life to the fullest, but it's up to us to take grasp of this chance and do something. I firmly believe there is a difference between living a life and just existing in someone else's. Exploring, taking chances, and creating: that's what it is all about.
Who knew a single 4 letter could have so much meaning and be interpreted in so many ways? Love really is complicated!
In the Spanish language there are several different ways to say the word "love." That's actually brilliant, I think. We use the word "love" so loosely, though: I love your hair, I love my new job, I love those shoes, and I love you.
How is it that we seem to compare loving hair, shoes, a job, to loving another human being? After all, we are alive, so doesn't that make us a little more important?
But this "love" is the love I want to talk about: love.
Love is incredible; love can change; love can create; love can empower. But there's one thing love can't do? Destroy. Love can not destroy; love cannot destroy a nation; love cannot destroy people; love cannot kill; love cannot hate.
And isn't this what were all so afraid of?
"Our nation is being destroyed. People are destroying one another. Our world is self-destroying."
But where's the love in the midst of all this destruction?
Maybe, just maybe, if we could love one another--love our country, love our government (no matter what your stance is), and, most importantly, love ourselves--we could change the world.
The Pursuit of Happiness
We often describe happiness as something we need to obtain, as if it were something that is not where we are--that if we were there or here, then we would be happy. Or if I had this ,or that, then I would happy. But wait, "I need a partner to be happy".
What are you pursuing?
Wherever you are right now, in a coffee shop, in class, at work...yeah, that's where happiness is. It's you. You and I both have the power to create and destroy happiness. Whether it's to help another in creating it, or helping the world, the power is within ourselves.
So if you must pursue something, pursue the creation of happiness. Pursue the things that make you feel most alive. Pursue love, in yourself, and one another.