They say write what you know. I know… me… and that’s about it. Yet, I also know writing. Well, at least, I enjoy writing. I am definitely no expert but then again very few people are.
What I know is that writing, in general, should be fun. You should want to do it and if you don’t then there is a good chance it could turn out less than great. It might sound forced because it was. It’s hard to say because the writing I enjoy the most is what some might not even consider writing.
It is thinking of a phrase that I like and putting it in my notes or doodling it on a sheet of paper. For instance, I started writing this story because I thought of the title. I’ve actually done that with quite a few of my titles.
In fact, writing the titles of stories is probably my favorite part of doing these articles. It’s just little poems or things that sound like quotes that intrigue me and convince me to write more and keep going.
Also like I said at the beginning it is writing what I know. It comes easiest. It flows like a memory because either it is one or a perhaps a thought that hasn’t been said out loud. I love writing mostly because you can do it anytime and really any place.
Some of the best things I have written were down on the notes on my phone because that’s what I had. I’ve typed full stories out on it because I couldn’t not write down what I was thinking for fear it wouldn’t be there when I had a laptop or pen in my hand.
Everyone writes differently though. I’m sure many people who enjoy writing have never just written two words and stopped there, but I have. I think books are where all the glory is in writing but that normally takes years of writing and then another few to get published.
I’ve tried starting books but they always turn into short stories because I’m too impatient to wait for the end I have planned. Someday though, maybe, it will happen and when you can all say, “I remember reading her articles on Facebook back in the day!”