My father taught me a lot about life. I didn’t realize how important our time spent together was until he was gone. He made me the woman I am today. He taught me how to be a genuine and kind person. I thank god every day for giving me such a wonderful father. Even though he isn’t on this Earth anymore, he will always be in my heart and so will all of his valuable lessons.
1.He taught me to always treat others the way I want to be treated. And if they treated me wrong, I was to simply kill them with kindness.
2.He taught me that forgiveness is a powerful thing. He told me that holding grudges and yearning for revenge would only hurt me and nobody else.
3.He taught me to be respectful and respectable, because you have to give respect to get respect.
4.He taught me to be grateful and thankful for what I have, because someone in the world was doing a lot worse and had a lot less.
5.He taught me that my relationship with God is the most important relationship I would ever have.
6.He taught me to be humble, because everyone needs help sometimes and nobody is perfect.
7.He taught me how to work hard, because I am not entitled to anything and I have to work hard in order to succeed and achieve my goals.
8.He taught me how to love unconditionally, because the world is so full of hatred.
9.He taught me the value of patience. I think our
fishing trips together helped out a lot with this lesson.
10.He taught me how to be selfless. He would always say, “Not everything is about you." or, "What would Jesus do?" The second line was one of his most famous responses.
11.He taught me how to be strong and stand up for what I believe in, because if you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything.
12.He taught me how to be a good sport. He would always say, “It doesn’t matter if you win or lose. All that matters is that you have fun while you’re doing it.”
13.He taught me the importance of family, because no matter what, they will always be there for me.
14.He taught me to never settle for less than my best, because he saw my potential and wanted me to do great things.
15.He taught me how to be independent, so I would never have to rely on anyone but myself.
16.He taught me the importance of having a sense of humor, because life is better when you’re laughing and enjoying it.
17.He taught me the value of honesty and trust. Honesty is definitely the best policy, especially when your mom knows everything and you live in a small town.
18.He taught me how to be brave and fight for what I want.
19.He taught me how to drive, but he slept most of the time, so I was kind of on my own, which is a good thing, because he wrecked quite a few cars and motorcycles.
20.Most importantly, he taught me how to be a genuine and good person, just like himself. I am so grateful that I got the chance to have such a great dad. I miss him every day. If your reading this and your dad is still alive, go give him a big hug and tell him how much he means to you. Our fathers are the greatest teachers and they deserve a little recognition. Thanks Dad!