Friends taught us to...
Laugh Always
It’s never too intense of a moment to crack a joke, especially a bad one. The Friends gang are always telling jokes showing us the happiest way to sail through life.
Be a friend
Friends are the foundation of this show and how they take care of each other teaches us to find people we can similarly depend on, and to settle for nothing less in the people we share our lives with.
Be independent
Watching Rachel, Monica and Ross’ flashbacks to high school we see how independent they grow up to be and how important it is for us to do that for ourselves.
Express Yourself
Phoebe is the most unique character in the group and her friends all except her in her weird ways. They also all have jobs in fields that they’re passionate about and all have their individual quirks that make them the characters we love.
Pursue your career and your passions
Rachel works in fashion, Monica is a chef, Ross is an archaeologist, Chandler goes into advertising, and of course we follow Joey through his acting career. The six of them are always supportive of what their friends want to pursue in their careers and they teach us to always do the same for our friends and for ourselves.
Earn your Way
We watch Rachel go from a failing waitress to an extremely successful business woman in the fashion industry as well as Joey fall in and out of acting jobs and they teach us that no one gets to the top easily and that we all have to work our way and pay our dues to get to the top- but it’s worth the work and that you should never give up on your passion.
Make your bad days a joke
I’ll be there for you when the rain starts to pour. Friends tells the story of six young people trying to make their way in New York City- and for their separate reasons none of them have it explicitly easily, they all experience their bumps in the road. But Friends teaches us that when we experience our bumps in the road to laugh about it and work through it because life goes on and better things will come, especially from our friends.