The television series "Shameless" is a dramatic comedy that depicts a dysfunctional family living in the South side of Chicago. Their lives are anything but easy, dealing with a bipolar abandoning mother and an alcoholic father while living in extreme poverty. The six children learn to take care of themselves and deal with their own issues, while still looking out for one another. Although the show is a comedy, it can actually teach you some important lessons about life. Here are just a few:
1. Family always comes first
Besides maybe the exception of getting laid, the six Gallagher children put family before everything. Fiona, the oldest sister, eventually becomes guardian of all of the children due to their father Frank's addiction to alcohol, drugs and just about everything else. Like most families they disagree with one another and fight but when it comes down to it, they always have each others backs regardless.
2. You don't need to come from a perfect family in order to be successful
No family is perfect. People get divorced and stuff happens, you just have to learn how to deal with it and move on. Lip still got into college, Ian joined the Army and even delinquent Carl got into Military school. Just always remember, it's not where you come from it's where you go.
3. Never be ashamed of who you are
This show does a perfect job at highlighting the importance of accepting yourself. Each character deals with important issues and despite the severity of each, they are always accepted by one another and are loved regardless.
4. Always stand up for yourself
This goes hand in hand with accepting yourself and never being ashamed of who you are. No matter what, the Gallagher’s always stick up for themselves and their family. Whether it’s with physical violence or maybe worse… no one messes with a Gallagher.
5. Life isn't always going to be easy
Life is hard and sometimes you are faced with major obstacles, but it is how you handle them that matters the most. Even if the Gallagher’s didn’t always handle every situation perfectly, it still reminds you of some of life’s challenges and assures you that life is not always going to be easy but it will be worth it.
6.Finally, every girl needs their own Lip Gallagher
Lip Gallagher is the perfect combination of basically everything. He's smart, beautiful, sensitive, and did I mention beautiful? You can't help but envy every relationship he's in. There's just something about a guy that will do whatever it takes for the most important people in his life.
P.S. Who do I talk to about getting my very own Lip Gallagher sorority "house boy?" lmk