There is something crazy about turning 21-years-old. Growing up, the age of 21 is engraved in everyone's head as a mile marker in one's life. It's when you finally start to feel like an adult. What many people think of when they is the feeling of finally taking your "first" legal drink!
Besides the fun stuff, 21 has also proven to be the age of self-reflection. A lot of thinking goes down once you hit the big two-one. I, myself, have realized a long of "things", as Kylie Jenner would say. Most importantly, I have found comfort in myself, I have learned to adapt to new situations and take every day as an opportunity to learn something new. I've learned that life is beautiful and that living in the moment is the best thing anyone could do.
So, with that being said. Here are 21 more things I have learned by the age of 21.
1. Life is too short to hold a grudge.
Rather than being upset for ever, cut the toxicity out and move on.
2. Say "yes" to new opportunities and invitations.
You never know who you can meet.
3. You remember the moments you spend with others rather than the moments you spend in your bed watching Netflix.
Think about this every time you're watching the daylight fade away.
4. Do what makes YOU happy, even if others aren't doing the same thing.
Follow your own path! Your path is unique, it's the path you're meant to be on.
5. Listen to the little voice in your head and the gut feeling you get.
Those two are usually right.
6. Travel. Travel. Travel.
Take every opportunity to and run with it.
7. Step outside of your comfort zone and do things you usually wouldn't do.
Opportunities that come after this first step are unimaginable.
8. Spend as much time as you can with your parents. They won't be here forever.
The older you get, the harder this gets to think about.
9. With that, spend time with your siblings and your cousins.
Make them your best friends. Be each other's people.
10. However, don't get into business with your family. It can turn messy.
Family businesses are usually not a great idea.
11. Make the effort to start conversations with the stranger next to you.
That stranger could be your next best friend, partner, or colleague.
12. If you have to fully charge your phone more than once a day, you're on it way too much.
Unless it's for work, get off your phone! It's bad for your eyes anyway.
13. Music is good for the soul.
Listen to music all day. Don't sit in a quiet home by yourself. Your brain can start to wonder.
14. You can make the time for something you want.
Don't lie to yourself. If you want it, you will make the time to get it.
15. Aside from all this, take some time for yourself.
Spoil yourself. Put yourself before others. Love yourself.
16. You don't know everything. Be open to learning from others.
There is so much you can learn when you open up your mind and ears to new perspectives. You won't always be right, and that's okay. We are human.
17. Your privacy is your privacy. Don't feel obligated to ever tell someone something you don't feel comfortable talking about.
Some people, not all, have bad intentions. With that, don't feel obligated to open up to someone right away. Take your time and move at your own pace.
18. Don't take yourself so seriously.
Live your life. Don't worry about what other people think. That takes too much energy anyway.
19. Expect less. Be open to more.
You never really know what's going to happen. Take everything one step at a time.
20. Work hard now.
Work hard now. Forget procrastination.
21. But, with that, there can be a happy balance. Work hard and play hard.
I've said it once and I'll say it again. Life is too short. Work hard when you're working, and enjoy your free time to the max. With balanced distribution of time and energy, one won't overpower the other.