I am definitely a "look on the bright side" kind of girl, and quarantine has been no exception. I have found that with all this time on my hands, I have been doing a lot of reflecting, not only on the current situation, but on life itself. God has been showing me life lessons left and right, and I know there is a purpose behind all of this.
1. Everyone copes in their own way.
Maybe what makes you happy is productivity, or accomplishing today's to-do list. For another person, what makes them happy may be parking on the couch all day, binge-watching the latest Netflix trendy show. The bottom line is, every person is unique, and everyone is dealing with the state of our world right now in different ways. We mustn't judge others for their coping mechanisms.
2. Family is everything.
If there's one thing that's been keeping me sane during this time, it's my family. My core unit, the faces I see each and every day, my people. Sure, we may argue, we may disagree, but at the end of the day, we have each other's backs and that's what matters, especially at a time of such uncertainty.
3. We are lucky to be working.
I never thought I would say this, but I am so grateful for the job I have and that I am able to work at all during these unpredictable times. If you have the opportunity to work, to provide for yourself and your family, that is a blessing. We mustn't take it for granted.
4. There's no sense in worrying.
By worrying about something, you suffer twice. I know this is a hard concept to grasp, but it must be understood. By focusing on what we can control, we eliminate a heck of a lot of senseless worrying.
5. It is crucial to take time for yourself.
It has taken being quarantined for the past couple of months for me to realize this. Prior to quarantine, I used to feel guilty about taking time for myself, whether it be to catch up on my shows, or do yoga, or do anything solo. Now, I value my alone time. I look forward to the hours I spend alone with my thoughts, and time spent doing the things that make me happy on my own, such as coloring, reading, writing, or anything in between. Now is the perfect time to spark some self-love. You do you!
6. Sunshine is medicinal.
I have always been an outdoors-y girl, but I find myself craving time spent outside in the sunshine now. Sure, quarantine sucks sometimes, but every opportunity to spend a few hours outside in nature has been an absolute blessing. We have to learn to appreciate Mother Earth and her natural beauty a bit more.
7. By toning down our lives, we see what really matters.Â
This quarantine has forced us all to take a step back from our normal, day-to-day lives and simply slow down. Without the pressure of getting from one place to another, from completing one task to another, we've had the chance to appreciate some of life's simple treasures, like time with loved ones, time in nature, and time doing nothing. These are severely underrated treasures, if you ask me.
Grab the remainder of quarantine and make it yours. Stay safe, and stay healthy!