**WARNING: Spoilers ahead**
Forgiveness is key. It is what keeps any relationship strong. Without forgiveness, there would be hostility and fighting more often. Forgiveness can turn any bad situation into life-long friendships. If you never forgive someone for their wrong-doings, you never know the potential or impact that that person could have in your life. Because of Arlo's ability to forgive, even after Spot steals most of Arlo's family's food supply and being a primary cause of Arlo's fathers' death, they became best friends.
Friendships can be made or healed through forgiveness. Friendship is a precious and special bond. It is definitely something that no one should take for granted because a good friend is hard to find. Without Arlo having the courage to step up and forgive Spot, he would not have had such a positive influence in his life, such as Spot.
Bravery and courage are important. Go out in the world and take risks. It will definitely pay off in the long run when you're applying for that job or internship. At first, Arlo was scared of basically everything: the dark, insects, and animals in general. Spot taught Arlo how to overcome his fears by taking risks. He probably would have never overcome his greatest fears if it weren't for Spot teaching him this.
Family is the most important thing in the world. Your family is the people who know you the best. They truly want the best for you and are always looking out for you and your well being. Arlo got swept away from home by the big currents in the river, so he was lost for a long time. Spot also had lost his family many years ago, so they had a sense of loneliness in common. Along the journey, Spot finds his family and Arlo makes him stay with them instead of tagging along with him. Why? Because family is the most important thing in the world. No matter how bad Arlo wanted Spot to stay with him, he knew he couldn’t take Spot away from his family.
Never take anything or anyone for granted. You never know when you are going to lose someone. It can happen in the blink of an eye. One second they are here, and the next they’re gone. Arlo learned this when his father was swept up by the current and was drowned. It is also very upsetting that Arlo witnessed the whole thing. This taught me to always live each moment as if it were my last.
Be on the lookout for more Disney movies coming to a theater near you soon! Movies such as Finding Dory, The Jungle Book, Beauty and the Beast, and Alice in Wonderland: Through the Looking Glass.