11 Life Lessons I Learned From Brooke Davis | The Odyssey Online
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11 Life Lessons I Learned From Brooke Davis

I don't want to be anything other than me.

11 Life Lessons I Learned From Brooke Davis
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As an avid "One Tree Hill" fan, I will go to great lengths to defend this show to its haters like how I learned self defense from Peyton and Quinn, and how to survive being kidnapped from Nathan, but something a little more realistic are the life lessons I learned from Brooke Davis.

Now I will be the first to admit I was not her biggest fan in the beginning, #TeamPeyton, but as the series went on I, just like Julian, fell in love with her wit, her strength and her love for who she is. Brooke taught me a lot.

People will judge you, people will hate on you, talk badly about you and label you. There is nothing you can say or do to change the way others view you other than just keep on being true to yourself. Staying true to who you are will fill you with self confidence, which will bring you up while others are trying to bring you down.

Brooke also taught me to love myself no matter what the scale tells me, or the size on my jeans. Everybody is built differently and should not to be defined by what the media perceives as perfect or skinny.

This may be one of the most important ones. Watching your friends move on with their lives is not always easy. You could be graduating high school and going to different colleges, or maybe you aren't going to college at all. Maybe you are graduating college and your friends already have jobs lined up for them, and you still have no clue what you want to do with your life. It's OK. It's OK to not have the answers to everything all the time. Things will work out the way they are supposed to. Just give it time.

Don't settle for anything less than you deserve. If you aren't happy in a relationship or happy with how you are being treated then move on. It may be hard to break away from what you have, but it's harder to stay in something when you're the only one who wants it.

If your dreams don't scare you, they aren't big enough. Believe in yourself and all that you can accomplish because you will accomplish big things and can change the world.

Clothes are and always will be better than boys

People lie. Flat out, it's up to you whether you want to keep them in your life or not. But just know if you do, you need to take into consideration if you can trust them or not.

Like I mentioned above, people will lie but the worse part is when they do it to your face. Prepare yourself on how to address these issues.

Just like boys, friends will also come and go. You need to learn which friendships are worth fighting over and which ones need to be let go.

You will experience things in life you may be passionate about, things you want to accomplish. You may also not have the support of your friends and family. This may break you down. You will get upset, you will cry when you said you would be strong. It's OK. It's OK to break down and lose it sometimes.

Be that person to help others out. Let those around you know everything will be OK. Be the hope they need. This world is already full of bad people. We could use a little sunshine.

Brooke Davis may have been the character I related to the most, and that is why I learned so much from her and fell in love with her personality. I strive to have the ambition, dedication and ruthlessness she has, so thank you BD for being my favorite fictional character.

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