My college career is coming to a close, and I never really expected this time to come so soon.
I remember my first day of freshman year. I thought that I had all the time in the world. Of course, that was not the case, and I swear it feels like these four years have gone by in an instant.
I couldn't thank Washington State University for giving me the environment to grow, find my passion, my people, and most importantly, find myself.
It hasn't been a smooth ride, and there have definitely been some ups and downs. I have learned more about love, life, responsibility, and the world around me more in these four years than I had in my entire life.
I am nowhere near "wise." I am only 22-years-old, but for someone my age, I feel like college has taught me little about life:
1. Life does not always go your way.
Boy, do I know this one well. I have experienced some very high highs and some very low lows. Sometimes it likes to hit you all at once, and that can be a very big reality check.
Getting in trouble, failing an exam, having some unexpected car trouble kill your bank account, you name it. This can make you think that your world is ending, but it isn't. That is life. Life happens with or without you.
That is why the highs are so important. The good things always outweigh the bad.
2. The key is finding a balance.
How does one manage a social life, academics, work, internships, eating right, working out, Greek life, relationships, friendships, all while getting an adequate amount of sleep every night? Balance.
It is all about finding a balance to your daily routine. Sometimes you have to miss out on the fun stuff to take care of more important things. That is growing up.
Once you find a balance, what seemed impossible to manage becomes possible. There is no better feeling than feeling like you have your life together.
3. Finding your soulmate doesn't happen overnight.
In high school, I remember thinking every relationship I had was love. I couldn't have been more wrong.
Throughout college, I realized that not every person you are with will work out. That is okay, and it is actually helpful.
You learn what you want, and what you don't want. What works best for you, and what doesn't. When a relationship ends, you know that it is okay. It isn't the end of the world. It just was not right for you.
4. Life never goes according to plan.
I have realized that planning is overrated. No matter how much you plan, life doesn't have a plan. The best things happen when you least expect them.
Change your major, take the job, date that person, even if it doesn't fit into what you had "planned."
It could be the best decision you make.
5. Surround yourself with people that make you better.
I can't stress this enough. The people you surround yourself with have a direct correlation on the person you are.
When you surround yourself with positivity, people that help you reach your full potential. People that believe in you and your aspirations, it works.
It doesn't hurt that these people are funny and spontaneous too, because what is life without that?
6. Be true to yourself, no matter what.
Never let anyone tell you who to be. Being yourself is the best way to live life because it is the life you want live. Don't ever apologize for being who you are.
Be silly, be weird, be loud. Be whoever you are, do what you want, and what is best for you.
Live life with no regrets, because when you look back on your life, you don't want to have regret.
As sappy as this whole article sounds, I don't take back a single word.
When I first started college, I didn't think this way. This is what college taught me, and as a second semester senior about to graduate, I am very confident taking these life lessons with me into the real world.