The movie Coco is about a young boy in Mexico whose family is preparing for Día de Muertos. If you haven't seen the movie yet, I suggest you stop reading this now, find it on Netflix, and watch it ASAP. Coco is my favorite Pixar movie of all time, and I promise you'll be blown away by every detail of it. As any Disney movie does, Coco provides the viewer with some key life lessons that can even impact an adult.
1. Respect your family and its roots
Miguel did not want to follow in his family's footsteps when it came to the family business. This decision did not offend his family, as he was able to remind everyone in his family what was actually important to them. What was important to them wasn't making shoes but being together, supporting each other, and keeping values passed on through generations.
2. Do what you believe in
Miguel wanted to play music because he saw how it created harmony between people and happiness through entertainment, even when everyone around him was ignorant of the benefits of music. When you truly believe in something, you are easily able to justify why you believe in it. If what you believe it is doable, then do it! Be proud of what you do, and always remember why you're doing it.
3. Seize your moment
Miguel was given the opportunity to prove to his family why music was important to himself and why his family should support his self-determined path. This moment came at an expected time, and it might have been his only chance to make his point. When you're given the spotlight in any situation, focus on making that moment exactly what you want it to be, since you might not have another chance. Seize your moment by being fearless of what others think and inspire!
4. Forgiving in relationships can take time, but it's never too late...
Imelda did not forgive Hector for leaving her and Coco in the living world. It wasn't until she found out in the afterlife that he was coming back to them, but was killed. She was able to forgive him before he was permanently gone and their relationship was restored. Forgiving someone creates peace within yourself by releasing negative feelings from a grudge or focusing on someone's fault.
...until they're gone
I have heard that some people believe your forgiveness in relationships only affects you. I have to disagree with that statement since I believe it affects you and the person who has done something to you. Imelda and Hector's relationship was not restored until she forgave Hector. The peace created in forgiveness can lead to renewal, happiness, and restoration of a relationship.
5. Do not idolize anyone
Miguel idolized Ernesto de la Cruz and saw no fault in him. He was willing to put his life and dreams in the hands of Ernesto de la Cruz, which led to his temporary downfall. By idolizing someone, you are ignoring their faults, and putting yourself at risk of following the lead of someone who may not be able to benefit your life. You won't be happy by wishing you had someone else's life. You do not know their whole story and will be more happy by being unique and finding out what sets you apart from others.
6. Don't judge someone by their position
In the end, Hector definitely seems like a better person compared to Ernesto De La Cruz. Everyone judges Hector and never gives him the opportunities he deserves because he was forcibly placed in a position lower than he deserved. Ernesto cheated his way to the position that Hector should have been in. Miguel stated that Hector was an upgrade as a great-great-grandpa because of who he was as a person (not his position in life). Not everyone gets the recognition they deserve. Be willing to learn about someone that defines them more than their status. There is a chance you can learn something from them and end up like Miguel by being appreciative of how someone really is, instead of focusing on what they were given.
7. Never name a street dog
Miguel forms a bond with a dog he named Dante. Abuelita tells Miguel to never name a street dog because the dog might follow him forever. I take this lesson literally. If you see a stray dog and name it, you'll have to be willing to put in the effort to care for the dog, because it knows you're showing love for it and might look for attention from you again. If you can't handle the attention, take it to someone who can.
Never take your family or traditions for granted. Although Miguel said that he didn't care about being on their family's ofrenda (a sort of altar which is set up in remembrance of deceased family members), he later reconsidered if his music meant more than his heritage. Don't let your passions overshadow who you truly are!