Whether you prefer the cartoon version or the live-action version, they both share many important life lessons that everyone needs reminding of.
1. Spending time with yourself is necessary.
Everyone needs to be able to spend time with themselves. If you're the type of person who prefers to spend time by yourself, you have this down. To everyone else, this is something that needs to be learned. There will be times in your lives when you need to just enjoy your own company. Especially when it comes to relationships: being comfortable with being on your own is important before sharing your life with someone else.
2. Feeling all the feels.
The Grinch is a little dramatic, but that's part of what drives this lesson. Feeling annoyed, mad, happy, joyful, hungry, and anything else is OK. When people ask you, "How are you?" The common response is, "I'm fine" or "I'm good." Fine and good aren't feelings. People care, despite what people might believe, and are genuinely interested in how you are doing.
3. Interacting with people is important.
On the other side of the argument, we do need social interaction. Meeting new people, making memories, enjoying the company of friends is just as important spending time with yourself.
4. Some things you can't get at a store.
We forget, during the holidays, that there are some things you just can't get at a store. Spending time with family, enjoying the delicious food, and other things aren't available at Target. We all remember making those handmade gifts at school, and moms loved them. Why? Because we made them, because we put effort and, no matter how cheesy it sounds, love.
5. Sleep is important.
College students and parents of a newborn are probably the most sleep deprived groups of people. Sleeping is a chance for our brains to process what happened during the day, and when we don't get that, we don't usually perform at our best. Translation: take more naps.
6. Confidence is key.
Strut yo stuff. Having confidence about who you are is a powerful thing. Acceptance of the amazing human you are is obvious to others around you.
7. Set high goals.
Goals gives us something to work towards, to keep us going. What often happens we set high goals and we get tired of trying to reach them. Solution: create small goals that lead up to the big goal.