Even though we all live different lives, we can all stand to learn a little something. It is never a bad thing to sit down and listen to advice that people are willing to offer. They are trying to better our lives based off of what they have learned from their own successes and failures. However, sometimes it is hard to find that person. In times like these, we can turn towards a group of people who have been through it all. A group that has shown us how to grow as a family, how to love friends, and how to live the best of both worlds. Without knowing it, Miley, Jackson, Robby, Lilly, and Oliver (and Hannah, of course) taught millions of Disney Channel viewers valuable life lessons.
“She likes you. You like her. Why do you have to make everything so complicated?” Miley to her Dad.
Miley is very straightforward with her dad, but it reminds us to follow our gut and do something about our feelings.
“Life’s a climb. But the view is great.” Miley Stewart and Travis Brody.
Life likes to throw a lot of obstacles at us. It can get pretty tough at times, but we have to keep pushing forwards. Once we make it past whatever challenge we are dealing with, we will be that much stronger, and we will be rewarded. All of our hard work and struggles are worth it in the end.
“I know changing can be scary. But it’s a part of growing up. It’s how we find out who we are and who we’re gonna be.” Hannah Montana.
Change is something you love or hate. If you hate change, Hannah reminds us to embrace it because it is good. It is important to look at change as a long term event because, sometimes, the short term outcomes can be discouraging.
“This is real life. This ain’t some Nicholas Sparks novel.” Miley Stewart.
Not only is Miley straightforward, but she is also realistic. She realizes that love stories don’t have to be like the ones in books to be perfect.
“Okay, I can do this. Just gotta take a running start.” Miley Stewart.
Miley reminds us that we have to give ourselves pep talks. We all know that the first step can be the scariest. This fear may cause us to be hesitant, but the best thing to do is take the first step. If that first step is the hardest, it can only get easier.
“It takes a long time to get to the top, but a short time to get to the bottom.” Miley Stewart.
Being the best takes hard work, so don’t ruin that by making stupid mistakes.
“The only people that you really have, that I learned, are your family, because they love you no matter what.” Hannah Montana.
They will always love you, and they will always be there.
“Nobody’s perfect.” Hannah Montana.