Volleyball... A very intense version of keep the balloon off the floor. A game that teaches many life lessons along the way. A game for the mentally tough.
1. Sometimes falling is necessary
In the game of volleyball, falling to retrieve a ball is sometimes necessary to the success of the play. It is similar in life. Sometimes you find yourself losing control of things and "falling." I have learned through volleyball that even when you have to fall for a ball the play can still turn out in your favor. Sometimes you have to fall to the lowest point in your life to get back to the top.
2. You can't hit cross every time
Cross is the easiest hit to make. The way that your arm naturally wants to go is that way...why change it? If you hit the same shot every time you will never get a kill. That is why it's important to hit the line, or tip sometimes. I have realized that in life you cannot keep doing the same things and expecting different results. Sometimes you have to change things up.
3. Be humble when you win
Winning isn't everything but it feels good. There is nothing like a close game and winning 25-23. However, no one likes an obnoxious winner. Win the game, shake the other team's hand, and go home. There is no need in making the other team feel worse. You are going to have achievements in your life and that is great. However, there is no need in boasting about them. Be thankful for them and continue living.
4. Practice makes perfect
Practicing is not the most fun you will have in your life, but it is needed to play the game. If you never practice how do you expect to play? The more you practice the better you are when you play. It's like studying for a test if you don't put in the time and effort needed to perform on the test you won't do well.
5. Teamwork
There is nothing like being part of a team. You basically spend 25/8 with them. They become your second family. Sometimes you don't get along with everyone on your team, but you didn't get to pick them. There will be times in your life where you have to work with people that you don't necessarily like, but like a team you will be working for the same goal.
At the end of it all I would not go back to change anything. All of the tough practices, bruises, ice, and injuries, I wouldn't trade for the awesome memories I have made.