Flashback time! Let's rewind to about 10 or 15 years ago. You're sprawled out with a controller in hand on the floor of your childhood home -- whether it was yours, your best friend's, or a relative's, or wherever you made the most memories with the iconic N64. Way back when, all you had to care about was wrestling for first-player or tossing Bowser off a platform by the tip of his tail. Life was simple, huh? Well, I hate to burst your reminiscing bubble, but now, let's fast forward to right now. Looking back, there was actually way more to it than fun and games, so if you haven't thought about it already, let's take a trip down Rainbow Road and look a little deeper at what the original squad taught us. Here we go!
Sometimes, teamwork is the key to success
There are some obstacles in this world that can only be conquered together, and if one person goes against the grain, it can set you all up for failure. So, when you're given a task that involves a little effort from everyone, it's best to just do your part and help each other out when you can.
But occasionally, you have to put yourself first.
Trying to press that B button fast enough nearly sent you into cardiac arrest -- not to mention all of the Tug-O-Wars and Paddle Battles that left the center of your palm cracked and blistered. When you're racing through tough times, jumping over hurdles and trying to come out on top, you can't be worried about making sure everyone else stays afloat. Only the strong will survive.
What goes around, comes around.
Karma's a bitch, and while you do have to think about yourself, you also have to remember that constantly passing the buck onto everyone else and taking the easy way out can and will blow up in your face. So, don't take advantage of people. Except Peach -- no one likes Peach.
You can't win all the time.
I know, I know, scroll down a little if you're getting dizzy. How many times did you have to repeat levels or demand rematches from your friends? I'll never forget that haunting music behind the red double doors of the castle in Super Mario 64 because I had to go back hundreds of times after falling off of the maze to Bowser. Hell, it took me nearly 10 years to finally beat my sister after a set of 20 turns on Mario Party -- especially as the character I was never allowed to be due to her seniority (insert eye roll here), but I can tell you that nothing in my life was more satisfying than her accusing me of rigging the game for once. Stay humble, and don't try to play dirty because, well, refer to the previous point.
You might not even be on the right path.
The worst thing is paying the toll to cross a bridge and coming to find that you made a grave mistake (those happening spaces are a blessing and a curse). Some things you can control, but some you can't. Who cares if your princess is in another castle? You'll get there eventually. Same goes for where you're at right now -- you never know what's going to happen when you take your next turn, so be cautious yet hopeful because it could end up working out in your favor.
Life doesn't have a reset button.
No matter how the odds have been stacked against you, hitting the reset button in the middle of a game is the equivalent to signing your own name at the top of everyone's hit list. While life can throw some fresh starts at you once in a while, it's definitely better to own up to your failures, not make excuses, and just try your best next time instead of throwing a temper tantrum when you don't get your way. You can't always restart, but you can always start something new!
We're all just running around, trying to make it in this world.
What's a game without a little competition? The important thing is to keep it friendly when possible. Although Mario Party is often referred to as the game that ends friendships, those who know that they're never too old to grab a controller are friends for life. If you still have it, I encourage you to break out the ol' N64, and have a reunion, because I guarantee you that someone in your childhood posse is still holding a grudge.