My dad has taught me many things throughout my life but these are the ones I feel are worth mentioning. Thanks for teaching me almost everything I know, Dad.
1. Be responsible.
From a young age my dad has always taught me to be more mature than others my age. While I do act like a kid sometimes, I take pride in the fact that I’m responsible and don’t make stupid and irrational decisions.
2. Don’t do anything you don’t want to do.
You always have a choice. Always. My dad taught me to never do anything that I’m not comfortable with and if I don’t want to do something, I stand firm in that decision.
3. Always hold yourself accountable.
I’ve always been taught to hold myself accountable for my decisions and my actions. If I make a mistake, I own up to it. Nobody is perfect and it’s important to understand that.
4. Do your best.
This is something my dad has always said to me. Even if I didn’t get an A on that test or I didn’t win that game, he always told me the most important thing is to do your best.
5. Be independent.
This is something both my mom and dad have taught me, but my dad has always taught me to fend for myself and be able to take care of myself. I am proud of the fact that I can handle what life throws at me and I don’t have to constantly have someone next to me holding my hand.
6. Work hard.
This is something I’ve learned purely through watching my dad throughout my life. He is hands down one of the most hardworking men I have ever known. He puts my family first and works his tail off to provide for me, my mom, and my brother.
7. Don’t be afraid to do the dirty work.
Sometimes things need to be done and maybe I don’t particularly want to do them but they need to be done.
8. Try to figure it out on your own first.
Along with being independent, my dad has taught me to tackle things head-on first and try to figure it out for myself. One of the biggest ways to learn things is through mistakes and I can’t learn things if I ask people to do everything for me.
9. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
While doing things on my own is a good thing, my dad has taught me that it’s important to ask for help. If I’m completely lost and the only thing I could gain by trying to do it myself is more problems, my dad has always told me to ask for help if I need it.
10. Save your money.
I almost want to laugh at this because if you’ve ever met my dad, you know he has probably lectured me about this topic every day of my life since I was about 5 years old. The lecturing has paid off though and I’m pretty good with my money.
11. Stand up for yourself.
My dad has always taught me to stand my ground and fight for what I believe in. If you stand for nothing, then what’ll you fall for?
12. Don’t settle for anything less than you deserve.
Without trying to sound like Daddy’s Little Girl (which I am), my dad has taught me that I deserve nothing less than the best. I know what I deserve and I know how I should be treated thanks to my dad.
Dad, I love you with all my heart and I want to thank you for helping me grow into the woman I am today.