If you’re a Grey’s fan, you probably have fallen in love with Meredith Grey as much as I have. After being raised in a household with a surgery-crazed mother and without a dad, her triumphs seem to be extraordinary. You can’t help but wonder, “how did she end up so successful after having such a rough childhood?”. Well, it’s good because she can provide viewers with a slither of hope. When life gets tough, it’s best to keep going, because eventually, things will turn out your way. And Meredith Grey has proven that to us time and time again.
In the beginning, you look at Meredith and go “wow, beautiful, talented and lovable (by a man named McDreamy), this chick has it all!" But as you continue the show, you realize that Meredith’s life is far from perfect. She was raised by a mother who did not want her, she was forced to leave her dad in the dust without any say, and she had a sister that she knew nothing about. Not even those few facts cover the misfortunes of Meredith Grey. But despite her past, she always manages to step out of the lines and try to become something greater. Her dream is to become a surgeon; she has the talent for it. She has a best friend who has basically become her sister, and she has a man who has fallen deeply in love with her and her flaws. So even though all hope may have been lost, there is always something shining through all the rubble.
I look up to Meredith because of her “lack of expression” of her feelings. I find it comical and somewhat beneficial that she rarely takes things to heart. Though she’s been through hell and back with many things such as looking death in the eye, fighting with her husband repeatedly, having best friend problems, having family issues and having trouble raising a child, she still manages to keep herself together. And it’s all due to the lack of feeling Meredith has, which is admirable. Sometimes you need to block it out in order to remain happy and sane. Sometimes you just can’t let things get to you, no matter how big or small those obstacles may be.
Though being blind to your feelings may seem like the wrong way to live your life, it really depends on how you look at it. Some may think that feelings are the only way you can sense and respond to the environment around you. Others try to play it off, and keep their main goal in mind. It really depends on what works best for you. As for Meredith, she really teaches me the value of looking at the bright side. I love her because no matter how rough things get for her, she manages, and she always takes a step back and appreciates the gracious things life has given her.
It makes complete sense to me why I have gravitated towards Meredith the most in the show. She made me realize that even though my life isn’t perfect, it’s as good as it’s going to get, and sometimes you just have to take it for what it is and make the best out of every opportunity. Her struggles have led her to become the surgeon she was meant to be. People at her job have fallen in love with her, as well as people who have been watching her character evolve on the show. She is a true trooper, and it just makes me grateful for what I have.
As I continue to watch the show, I can’t help but notice Meredith’s consistency on her actions. When she does something out of line, it comes to no surprise to me. She does what she thinks is moral and does not question the consequences. Though she has a hard time expressing her feelings, her heart is bigger than her brain, and this is what has led her to be so successful and so lovable. So a huge lesson to come out of Grey’s Anatomy and out of Meredith Grey is that no matter how smart or talented you are, your character is what counts the most.