There is probably no one as positive as Kimmy Schmidt, from the Netflix original series created by Tina Fey. Through being locked in a bunker by a deranged reverend, played by Jon Ham, Kimmy Schmidt demonstrates a level of confidence and positivity that we all kind of need in our twenties while trying to graduate, get a job, get a life and become “adults.”
Own Who You Are
Easier said than done, yes, but being a 20-year-old with minimal prospects and people hesitant to give you a chance will make you doubt who are and what you’re capable of. You’ve gotten this far. It hasn’t been easy, you wanted to quit plenty of times. But you did it. You’ve gotten this far by owning both your strengths and weaknesses. Go you!
Give Love (But It's Ok To Take It Back)
The world needs more love. Give it to whomever you see fit, but at the same time, understand that not everyone deserves your attention and time. People are temporary, and It takes a heck of a lot of work to find the exceptions to that rule. Whether It's in love or friendship, understand that not everyone deserves you.
Listen To Tina Fey. Always.
Be Frugal
You're young, and you have the capacity to make a lot of money in your lifetime, but also, you have the capacity to rack up a lot of loans and credit card debt, too. Be careful of what you spend on when. Yes, you can always make more money, but the peace of mind for knowing that you can take a few days off and be "ok" can help you through the tougher times.
Dare To Be Different
The world will try, time and time again, to put you in a box. Dare to be unique, odd, different and against the grain. If someone tries to define you, put a label on you, decide who you are supposed to be, reject that completely and be the you that you know yourself to be.
Never Give Up! (But Also, You Can If You Want)
While everyone always says to not give up, sometimes it's meant to be that you walk away. Maybe you're pursuing a dream that isn't yours. Whatever it is, know that you have the power to choose to do and to not do something. You're an adult.
Know How To Deal With Yourself
No one knows you better than you. If someone is feeling sad or depressed, there are a number of things he or she can do to feel better, but only he/she knows. Know what works for you and use it. Self care is the most important kind of care. How can you possibly be able to help others when you can't help yourself.
Learn To Be Ok With Not Knowing
You might not know what the end is going to look like, or where you'll be in just a few weeks, but life is full of surprises. Whether it is what job you'll get, where you'll move to next or what is going on inside you, things sort of just have a way of working out.
Don't Let The Critics Get To You
People will find any reason to criticize why you do or don't do something. They might judge your decisions or even make rude comments about you, but they don't know you. They aren't in your shoes. Until they are, they have no reason to have any say on what you do or who you are.
Take Chances
Apply for the job you want not just the jobs you think you can easily get. Go out on Friday and Saturday nights even when you really just want to be lazy.
Allow Yourself to Feel Feelings
A lot of the time, we repress ugly and dirty feelings towards ourselves and others cause we're told we shouldn't hold onto envy, anger, jealousy and disdain. You are allowed to feel feelings, no matter how ugly they get. You can't let them consume you, but you can still feel them.
Free Things Are The Best Things
Rarely, and I do mean rarely, things in life are free. Free trials, free samples, whatever it is, take advantage of those glorious moments of free stuff, cause It does not last. Being an adult means paying for everything.
Get Through The Day However You Can
Life, rather adulthood, is hard. No one says It isn't. If It takes getting a fancy coffee before work or having a beer with dinner, do whatever you can to reward yourself.
Life your life with a can-do attitude. And don't ever let someone break you.