In their 10 years on Cartoon Network, "Ed, Edd n Eddy" have experienced many things and many aspects of life. That is why they will be the perfect candidates for giving life lessons, for a small fee of course.
1. Always walk with confidence.
Nothing shows your pride more than how you strut your stuff. You always have to walk with a very confident and prideful stride. This way, everyone will know you mean business.
2. Always show off your talents.
Another lesson in confidence, never be afraid to show everybody what you can do. Who knows? Maybe people will be impressed with your talent and want to be your friend. Or maybe they'll throw their money at you and you can buy all the jawbreakers you could ever want.
3. Always take time to relax and have fun.
Life does involve a lot of hard work, but that's not all it has to offer. Every now and then, you have to take a load off and enjoy the finer things in life, like comic books or ant farms.
4. If something doesn't work right the first time, change it and try again.
In life, you will experience many failures. You can't let these failures get you down, you just have to keep trying. Make some adjustments and make another attempt. You're bound to get it right sooner or later.
5. Always get plenty of exercise.
Exercise is a very important part of life. If you don't stretch, run or anything, you will never have the strength of Ed or even the body control of Jonny.
6. Always reach for the sky.
It's always good to have goals. You have to make sure to reach for those goals and keep going higher. That way, you'll always be able to succeed in life.
7. Always get plenty of rest.
Sleep is another important part of life. You have to get plenty of sleep each night so you'll be energized for the next day.
8. Always enjoy life.
This is the final and most important life lesson. You always have to enjoy life because you only get one. Live it to its full potential because you'll never get another chance.
Now that the Eds have motivated and educated you about life, it's time to cough up that quarter. Jawbreakers don't buy themselves.