I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to write about this week...I have been running into a bit of writer's block. So, I kind of took a look at the past couple of weeks and found some recurring thoughts that had been floating around in my head. Why do we, as human beings, dwell on such insignificant occurrences; things that won’t matter down the road? Have we just been programmed that way? I mean, we lose friendships over such little things and beat ourselves up over the tiniest stuff.
Have you ever looked back at the people you were once friends with and wondered what caused your friendship to fade away? I have. The funny thing is, the reasons were always SO ridiculous! The reasons were microscopic compared to the rest of life! It was always something that, in the grand scheme of things, didn’t matter and was definitely not worth the loss of a friend. I look back at it all and wonder what the hell was wrong with me?
I was always taught that if it won’t matter in a year then it’s not worth it. How many of you reading this have lost a friend? I think it’s safe to say that 99.9% of us have lost multiple. Now, think of why you lost that friend. Can you even remember the reason you stopped talking? And if you do remember, what do you think of that reasoning now? Wasn’t it stupid? Most likely, it was.
I think we take too much for granted nowadays and we often think that things are going to last forever. I’m here to tell you, first hand, that no, nothing lasts forever. I know, it’s sad to think that but quite honestly, everything is temporary in life, I mean life itself is temporary. Moral of the story here is: live life to the fullest people. Love with your whole heart. Always forgive. Hating someone is a waste of energy. Use your energy towards making someone feel better about themselves. Use that energy to better yourself. I’ve never understood why people waste their precious and valuable time and energy on disliking others or holding grudges, there are SO many other things that are worth your time.
So, take this with a grain of salt. I hope this made you think a little. I hope this causes you to call up an old friend and tell them that you miss them. Life’s too short people.